Morten Warncke-Wang schrieb:
> Hi all,
> Judging by the replies we think we've failed to communicate clearly
> some of the ideas we wanted to put forward, and we'd like to take the
> opportunity to try to clear that up.
> We did not want to narrow this down to be only about a third party
> toolserver.  Before we initiated contact we noticed the need for
> adding more resources to the existing cluster.  Therefore we also had
> in mind the idea of augmenting the toolserver, rather than attempt to
> create a competitor for it.  For instance this could help allow the
> toolserver to also host applications requiring some amounts of text
> crunching, which is currently not feasible as far as we can tell.

That would be excellent.

> Additionally we think there could perhaps be two paths to account
> creation, one for Wikipedians and one for researchers, with the
> research path laid out with clearer documentation on the requirements
> projects would need to fit the toolserver and what the application
> should contain, which combined with faster feedback would aid to make
> the process easier for the researchers.

I think this should be done for all accounts. Why only researchers?

> We hope that this clears up some central points in our ideas
> surrounding a "research oriented toolserver".  Currently we are
> exploring several ideas and this particular one might not become more
> than a thought and a thread on a mailing list.  Nonetheless perhaps
> there are thoughts here that can become more solid somewhere down the
> line.

In order to develop ideas, it would be useful to get some idea of what kind of
resources you think you can contribute, and under what terms and in what
timeframe. I know that talking money in public is usually a bad idea, especially
if the money isn't really there yet. If you like, contact me in private,
preferrably under my office address, daniel.kinzler AT I'm
responsible for toolserver operations, so I suppose it's my job to look into 

-- daniel

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