I built one of the very first Canopy networks back in 2002.  Joe 
Schneider even sat at my desk and helped configure the first 
cluster.  We even helped them iron out some problems with the early 
CMM.  Ken Magro was near the top of my speed dial list.

The only serious competition at the time was Alvarion frequency 
hoppers.  The system worked well except over water paths, where we 
had scintillation, where water towers were near the path; in other 
words, wherever there were multi path issues it didn't work well.

My only point is that in Urban areas, Canopy is a good choice if 
there is a lot of contention for spectrum and you need to win.  If 
you are in a rural setting, with longer distances with path obstacles 
and multi path, OFDM modulation just works better, and it's cheaper.

Apples and oranges troops!  Neither is better than the other, and 
there is a solution that will solve most of your engineering problems.

At 01:24 AM 10/2/2009, you wrote:
>Here was the original part of the message (that somehow got left off 
>your reply):
>"For a very long time we got caught in the Canopy mentality "my Canopy is
>better than your <<any other vendor here>>"  We finally opened our eyes, got
>jumped out of the gang, and are very happy we did.  It seems a lot of Canopy
>operators have the mentality that WiFi sucks -- probably because they too
>started with it years ago, when it really did suck."And I am buying 
>Canopy AP's and SM's for way less than MSRP.... WAY LESS.
>Butch Evans wrote:
>>On Thu, 2009-10-01 at 19:47 -0600, Travis Johnson wrote:
>>>As soon as you can offer 7ms latency to 100 people off the same AP
>>>using WiFi based radios, please let me know. I will buy 200 AP's and
>>>5,000 CPE. ;)
>>That kind of density is NOT necessary for MANY WISPs.  I know that is
>>the cry that nearly ALL Canopy Koolaid drinkers use, but it does not
>>apply to everyone.  For those that need it...Canopy offers a very nice
>>solution that works, works well and is affordable because it is NEEDED.
>>For those that don't...Canopy is WAY to expensive to be worth the extra
>>Don't take this as a "jab" because it isn't intended that way, but why
>>would you post a message that indicates that someone was inviting you to
>>switch your Canopy out for WiFi?  Nobody made such a suggestion and
>>(IMHO) reacting in the way you did is just plain rude.
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