Anyone got a 10-foot-pole that I could use to NOT touch this with?

Anyone?  Anyone?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "MDK" <>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] [WISPA Members] Health Insurance

>I have limited sympathy with your comments for a simple reason...    Health
> Care IS NOW a political topic.    So is broadband.  So is internet network
> operations.   So is bandwidth control, so is hiring someone, so is firing
> someone, so are the money management choices you make, so is retirement, 
> so
> are benefits, so are, well, dang near every aspect of our business lives.
> I'd say none of us, at least the smaller guys, asked for any of this to be
> brought upon us.    20 years ago, hardly a single thing mentioned above 
> was
> or had ANY political concerns, and now, they're all political, and rarely
> are the political concerns going to bring about wise or prudent outcomes.
> This has been pushed upon us, by interests not in our favor, and those
> interests are not going away, nor are they moderating in the slightest. 
> In
> fact, they are intent upon making MUCH more of our businesses and lives
> political.
> Yes, there are simple dollar value equations to some aspects of employer
> based health care, but some of it's purely political now.    Any 
> discussion
> of bandwidth management and application prioritization necessitates a
> weighing and ultimately making judgments about political things.   Even
> arguments over what the politics actually means and how far it intends to
> reach and how much it legally CAN reach.   Which ultimately brings us to 
> the
> point where we discuss the topic of health care the same way we discuss
> customers who use the CD tray as a coffee cup holder, or expect us to do
> miracles, on a budget of dander and fluff - and that discussion is by
> necessity as much political as moral, logical, ethical.
> So you want us to NOT express our opinions on the nature of the political
> intrusions into our business.    Might as well say that we can't express
> opinion about cranky customers, or which operating system is best on SBC's
> or how to manage a network.   By necessity, these things are all relevant,
> as are our opinions of them.  But so, too, the political aspects of our
> business, must be at least some what legitimate to discuss, lest we as a
> group by default follow a political course with no discussion or even
> consideration to where that leads us.
> It would be reasonable and proper to ask to keep such discussions relevant
> and topically accurate, and to try to keep this from degenerating into a
> political flame war.   More importantly, it is necessary that respect be
> given to those who don't agree with your opinion, and that the "there is
> only one default and acceptable opinion - that which is "politically
> correct" and I see that happen in a lot of places these days.   And 
> usually,
> that opinion and default position is utterly indefensible, but is never
> challenged, due to the powers that be preventing dissent.
> I would prefer that our discussions were not about politics.   But they 
> have
> to be, since politics has invited itself into darn near every aspect of 
> our
> business.    I'd say there's a powerful lesson there... but that would be
> ideological, huh.
> Sigh.....
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
> 541-969-8200  509-386-4589
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Forbes Mercy" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 10:45 AM
> To: "WISPA General List" <>; <>
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] [WISPA Members] Health Insurance
>> Rick,
>> Can we nip this in the butt right now?  The discussion was to see if it
>> was feasible for WISPA to look at a group rate for health care, it is
>> now evolving into a political discussion.  Political discussions usually
>> degrade into undesirable threads which make people mad and ultimately
>> cause one or more to ask to be unsubscribed from the Members list.  We
>> consider that a sad loss because they won't get the benefit of the many
>> discussions we have that have to do with being a WISP just because
>> someone wanted to spread their own political views.  We are not an
>> advocacy for political causes other than for more spectrum and better
>> rules for WISP's.  You obviously wanted to spread your views all across
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