On Monday 14 July 2003 05:21 pm, Egbert Eich wrote:
> Issue 1.: We see the same question being asked over and over again.
>         If these poster would consider email archives they whould not
>         have ended up here in the first place.

Or a wiki!  (I like wikis, three reasons including:
   * they are a write once, read many medium that anybody can contribute to 
   * they are easier to search than (some) mail archives -- certainly easier 
than the typical "here's the archive of all the emails in June, 2003, have 
fun" access often provided by maillist "built in" archiving tools
   * contributions on the same topic from multiple writers can be easier to 
read because they are all on one page -- although wiki pages can be organized 
as a mail list thread, they are much better when organized in document mode 
-- if the original creators of the information don't organize in document 
mode, someone else can refactor to document mode

AbiWord has moved / is moving it's FAQ to TWiki, see 

If a TWiki existed for XFree86, I would help support it (by contributing as 
possible), including occasional refactoring and help with organization.

> Issue 2.: Since I don't receive money for what I do here I would
>         like to make sure that the time I invest to look over
>         the support emails is at least not wasted.

Clearly, I think a wiki (TWiki) is a better tool than a mail list for that 

>  I think I stated before that this list consumes a  considerable
> amount of my spare time. To decide if the reason for a posting is a bug or
> a real problem or just 'user too stupid' one has to try to understand
> the description in a posting - which can be rather tedious if people
> tell their complete biographies or post in very poor English.
> Looking thru logs can also be time consuming.
> I would very much appreciate if we wouldn't point everyone with a
> problem to this mailing list right away but let this person look
> thru an FAQ *before* giving him the address of this list.

Referring them to a TWiki page named "BeforePostingYourProblem" could lead 
them to the FAQ and to instructions (and examples) of how to report a problem 
that is not covered in the FAQs.   (I know --  I too would like it better if 
it were "Before Posting Your Problem" or something similar.)

> Whenever the server terminates with a FatalError() it tells the user
> to send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This creates an enormous amount of traffic here even if it is a user
> problem has been answered several times already - like our all time
> favourite "cannot find font 'fixed'".

It seems like there is a need for a TWiki page FaqCannotFindFixedFonts.

I've installed old versions of TWiki on local servers, installing on a hosted 
web site is more difficult, especially if root access is not available.  If I 
can convince you that a TWiki is a good idea, someone volunteers a hosting 
site for it and a domain name, I would then look for some help in setting it 

Randy Kramer

XFree86 mailing list

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