Scott Kitterman wrote:

>> Roland Turner wrote:
>> This is just a diffusion process, not an exclusion of smaller players.
>> Indeed, it would almost appear that you'd be happier if the big guys had
>> excluded smaller players from this initiative...
> Until maybe someday the results of the analysis to use ARC are somehow
> available, they have.

All diffusion looks like this.

The "one size fits all" mentality gave us the lost decade. Recognising that 
differently-situated practitioners need different things and developing a range 
of tools/protocols/etc. to suit the range of needs (most of which will be not 
useful for most practitioners) is not merely more effective, it currently 
appears to be the only way forward.

> The use of an open standard (which I am in favor of and
> this is good), doesn't materially change that.  If I can write code to
> implement a standard, but don't have the necessary inputs to use it, it's not
> particularly of use.

"not particularly of use to Scott" != "not useful".

This is of course a different question to the one about whether/how to involve 
yourself, more below.

> Personally, I try to consider putting my time where either I'll benefit

Eminently sensible, I do the same.

> or I think the global Internet will benefit.

Likewise, and so here's the challenge: the big guys hardening their part of the 
environment against criminals doesn't merely improve life for the big guys 
(e.g. by shifting criminals' focus elsewhere), they are so big that they are 
materially altering the economics in a way that makes crime less profitable and 
therefore less likely than it would otherwise be. This directly benefits the 
global Internet in a way that a batteries-included-but-less-impactful approach 
could not, even assuming that such an approach exists (are you aware of one?).

Do you really mean "or", or do you actually mean "and"? We are talking about an 
initiative that, if successful, will materially benefit the global Internet, 
even though you personally will not be able wield the resulting tool for some 
time, or possibly even ever (unlikely, but possible). Do you support it anyway?

(A less charitable interpretation is that your concern is merely resentment or 
envy of large organisations. Presumably this is not correct.)

- Roland
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