Re: [GNC] Adding ASSETS & LIABILITIES to sub accounts

2024-05-31 Thread Maf. King
Hi Luis,

Welcome to GnuCash!

On Friday, 31 May 2024 06:09:12 BST Luis Sini wrote:
> Dear Jim,

> Since GnuCash is open source, i was wondering how members are able to
> contribute to it? Who adds features and make changes to the software. Im
> not a programmer, but perhaps i could find someonw that could work on
> making changes for me.

There is a core team of develpoers who wrtie the code and fix the bugs.  their 
time is very limited.  Some others help out by writing/updating docs, or add 
to the wiki and FAQ.  others just answer on here if they have knowledge that 
fits.  Anyone can report bugs, of course.  There's a link somewhere on the GC 
website for $ donatinos, too, I think.

> Although, your solution is something that i have thought of, im wondering
> how difficult would it be to add 1 more account type to the software that
> made that account be ble to have any type under it. Similar to the top
> level accounts.

Jim's solution makes sense to me.  Use the reports to report on what you need.  
GC is quite strict about being a "formal accounting" program, and I think 
you'll struggle to get developer support to make that change to account types.

> I was surprised to find that there is no user group for GnuCash. I'd figure
> that may be a way for people to ask questions in a forum which may allow
> > people to search previous topics and such.

This email list is the "user group".  GC has been around for a very long time, 
pretty much predating "social media", and this email group is still the formal 
way to ask user-level questions.  All the archives exist and can be read, it 
may just be a slightly different way that you expected, and hard to search for 
a variety of reasons!  I think the specific site: search trick has been killed 
by google, for example (but still works on duckduckgo).

good luck!

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Re: [GNC] Reconciliation Roll Back

2024-05-28 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 28 May 2024 09:49:05 BST Peter Cuthbert via gnucash-user wrote:

>   The reason I suspect
> is that the opening balance that it picked up seemed way too high but I
> know of no way to make sure that the opening balance is the correct one.

Only by visual inspection - if you completed the reconcile of last month's 
statement, then the reconciled balance in GC should match the end balance of 
that statement  which should match the opening balance of the current 
statement which should match what GC suggests as the starting balance.

If the opening balances don't match but the previous reconciled balances did 
then something slightly odd has happened.  Maybe you inadvertently modified 
some reconciled txns and they lost their "reconcied" status.   maybe you 
accidently started using a backup file at some point (look for lots of numbers 
in the filename)

>  Additionally I noticed that a good handful of transactions that were
> reconciled in last months task now showed up as unreconciled.

That would certainly throw off the starting balance.

> I am at a loss as to how to rescure this problem.  What would be nice
> would be to be able to 'roll back' the erroneous reconciliation and
> probably the previous one and then begin again.  Unless, of course you
> > know a better way to get out of this hole.

Try a reconcile to the new statement ending balance - ignore the "start".  
Also look at the unreconciled transactions from previous months - if they all 
check off OK and you hit the  new statement end balance  then you are good to 

If you really want to roll back the previous reconciles, then you can only do 
that manually by clicking on each of the "Y" in the reconciled transactions 

As always, take a back-up copey of the file before you start digging and maybe 
get in a worse mess!


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Re: [GNC] 'Total Period' shows 'Total' for one bank account

2024-02-03 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 3 February 2024 15:16:40 GMT G R Hewitt wrote:
> What's not to like?

the length of time it takes to toast a marshmallow or a smore .  ;-0

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Re: [GNC] How do you record the rounding of your netpay?

2024-01-27 Thread Maf. King
I don't have this sort of rounding arrangement on my paychecks, but I do have 
similar with one shareholding I have.

I suggest you use GC to model reality, as far as possible.. 

 Each paycheck gives you pennies of a liability (loan) from your employer.   
So use a liability account in your GC tree for "payroll rounding", and 
transfer into and out of that each cycle.


On Saturday, 27 January 2024 08:17:03 GMT Oleander via gnucash-user wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> how do you record the rounding of your netpay?
> After subtracting taxes from my gross pay, if the result of my net pay is a
> floating point number, my company rounds this number up to the next integer
> then credits the amount to my bank account. But the rounding is just a
> loan, the next month it will be charged from my gross pay along with taxes
> and if the result of my net pay again is a floating point number, it will
> be rounded up to the next integer and then credited to my bank account and
> so on.
> Eg:
> 1st Month
> Gross Pay = €1800.50
> Taxes = €300
> Netpay = 1500.50 --> 1501€ (amount credited to my bank account)
> 2nd Month
> Gross Pay = €1800.30
> Taxes = €300
> 1st Month Rounding = €0.50
> Netpay = 1499.80 --> 1500€ (amount credited to my bank account)
> Thank you
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Two questions

2024-01-09 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 9 January 2024 14:37:57 GMT Fred Bone wrote:
> On 08 January 2024 at 16:35, Barry Mahon said:
> [...]
> > 2. I subdivided an a/c to create a 2024 version, using the latest bank
> > account balance as the opening balance. All Ok, but the entries are in
> > red I cannot find in the help how to change that.
> This probably indicates you have the wrong account type. For example, if
> I change a savings account to "liability", the running totals show in
> red.
> Check the account type of the new one against the old.

or possibly you've entered the transactions "backwards" and debited 
when you should have credited etc so a balance of +1k is showing as -1k 
hence the red.


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Re: [GNC] How to export reports to spreadsheet format(s)?

2023-12-05 Thread Maf. King

On Tuesday, 5 December 2023 15:11:26 GMT Eric Chapman wrote:
> When I try to print to file from GnuCash 4.14, I only see the three
> options in the screenshot attached: PDF, PostScript, and SVG. Hmmm…
> On 12/5/23 10:08, Eric Chapman wrote:
> > I did find this, but it does not appear to have any solution:
> >
> > 
> > Is it true that GnuCash only exports to HTML?

Most spreadheet programs can read the HTML saved by GC.  I know for a fact 
that LibreOffice is quite happy with it.

Or, you can select all the text in a report and copy/paste into a blank 

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Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote upgrade

2023-12-04 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 4 December 2023 07:55:05 GMT James Edmunds wrote:
> I tried to upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04  . There was some file

> ! Can't configure the distribution. You probably need to have 'make'. See

I don't know the exact package names for Ubuntu, but it looks to me that you 
need to install (at least) the "make" package, and quite possibly some other 
build / compile/ development stuff.

good luck.

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Re: [GNC] Find what was in Accounts Payable some date in the past.

2023-11-27 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 27 November 2023 20:41:52 GMT David Kirkby wrote:

> Business -> Payable Ageing
> gives me what is owned *today*, which is nothing. Can I find out what was
> owed at the end of the accounting period? That's what I want. Short of
> perhaps changing the date on the computer, which I'd rather not do.
> Dave

Hi Dave,

99% sure you can set the date on the aging report.


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Re: [GNC] Can I find transactions into an account that has only one split?

2023-11-25 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 25 November 2023 04:44:42 GMT Liz wrote:

> The new subscriber welcome message says
> "Note that this list is configured NOT to automatically send replies
> back to the list (as per
>  ).

That seems to be a dead link.

> *** Please remember to CC All Replies back to the list! ***
> "
> Liz
> with Moderator Hat.
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Re: [GNC] Last reconciled transactions have an error.

2023-11-22 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 22 November 2023 11:25:16 GMT David Kirkby wrote:
> Can I simply unreconcile them in this order?
> 1) 17/3/2023,
> 2)  28/2/2023
> 3)  23/2/2023

Yes.  just unreconcile back to the known good date and work forwards again.  I 
don't foresee any harm to your records (and a lot less work than 6 months 
carching up from a backup)


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Re: [GNC] Can I produce a trial balance as a simple CSV file?

2023-11-21 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 21 November 2023 12:58:32 GMT David Kirkby wrote:

> I can see I can produce the trial balance as a PDF, but I can't see a way
> to convert it to a CSV file, which I think he would prefer. 

The usual advice is the either:

a. save the report as HTML
b. select and copy the text of the report

then open with / paste into a spreadsheet (LibreOffice Calc opens HTML just 
and save as CSV from there, with any format / line-up tinkering needed first, 
of course,.


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Re: [GNC] noobie question about split transactions

2023-11-19 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 19 November 2023 06:17:07 GMT Liz wrote:

> Certainly being involved in a major data loss made me wary about my
> credit card.

And that is a clear example of why, IMHO,  one should enter txns "on the go" 
(daily / weekly / whatever) and not rely on the bank's statement (or download) 
to be 100% correct.


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Re: [GNC] Trail balance Imbalance / multi-currency transaction

2023-11-19 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 19 November 2023 04:49:33 GMT G R Hewitt wrote:
> I don't know if GC supports this, but when I was using Sage Line 50 you
> could alter the VAT amount to match the invoice
> before committing the transaction, and I often had to do this.
> G

I quite often have to include a line item on a vendor bill entered into GC 
which I call "VAT Rounding" for [+-]£0.01 or .02  when they have VATted each 
line item and GC does the total (or vice-versa, it isn't important who rounds 


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Re: [GNC] Trail balance Imbalance / multi-currency transaction

2023-11-18 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 18 November 2023 15:45:07 GMT David Kirkby wrote:

> *I have discovered that's not the source of the problem, which explains why
> it does not go away if I delete the transaction! *

OK, that clears up one part of the mystery!

> Debit: Expenses -> Stock  £214.45
> Credit:Assets -> Bank account £207.45
> Nothing is recorded in bank fees.

surely that is an unbalanced txn?   is there a split to imbalance-GBP or 

> Unfortunately I have reconciled the bank account, which meant deleting a
> reconciled transaction.

Don't worry about that for now. You can always get the reconcilliation 
straight later on at the next reconcile.


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Re: [GNC] Trail balance Imbalance / multi-currency transaction

2023-11-18 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 18 November 2023 04:17:50 GMT David Kirkby wrote:
> Unfortunately, when entering the transaction into GnuCash, I created a
> split and  put the £7 bank fee into Expense -> Bank Charges. The result is
> that £7 is accounted for twice. I'm show it as an expense, but the bank
> statement has already taken this into account.

Where is the £7 accounted for twice?   Is it also in the exchange rate 
conversion or something?   What you describe above sounds exactly the correct 
thing to have done.

AIUI, invoice for €500 touches A/R and Income accounts.

Payment touches A/R, Bank and Exp:BankCharge (with the currency conversion 
complication, granted).

Did you create a separate txn too for the bank fee, or discount the invoice or 

I'm not quite getting what you did to make the £7 appear twice.

> I know £7 is not a lot, but it is annoying me. I would like to try to solve
> the problem.

now, that I do understand.  either the accounts are "correct" or they are not! 
The size of the error is not as important as there being the error to find!  


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Re: [GNC] Adjusting column width on Gnucash

2023-11-17 Thread Maf. King
Hello Olaide,

Welcome to the list.

In brief, you need to be very precise with your mouse and manage to drag the 
right-hand side of the credit column to the right to make it more than 0 
pixels wide.  It can be a very difficut thing to actually do, though.


and also a tip if the mouse can't be precise enough here:

good luck,

On Thursday, 16 November 2023 14:49:34 GMT olaide olowu wrote:
> Good day,
> Hope this mail finds you well?
> I appreciate Gnucash software, it has assisted me in my day to day
> accounting duties.
> Please I currently have an issue with the column width adjustment on
> Gnucash. I tried to adjust the credit column of the journal but it
> inadvertently closed up and I was unable to readjust it back to its visible
> state. The credit column is not visible to view the figures I have posted.
> Please assist with the possible best solution on how this can be rectified.
> Anticipating your swift response.
> Thank you.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Bill allocated to the wrong account

2023-11-15 Thread Maf. King
OK, I'm at a loss, then.

I get the attached right-click menu in my checking account.

the only thing I can suggest (that I've done in the past) is to delete the 
payment txn in the bank account and redo the "process payment" workflow as 
normal from the from the bills due dialogues etc.

You'll have to redo the reconcilliation, but that will only be a single txn to 
(re-)check off against the previous statement.


On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 16:49:06 GMT David Kirkby wrote:
> Edit payment does not seem to get me anything I know how to use. I can't
> seem to see this "Assign as Payment" option on any transaction in the bank
> account - including those where a single payment was made for a single
> bill.
> On Wed, 15 Nov 2023 at 15:32, Maf. King  wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 15:09:09 GMT David Kirkby wrote:
> > > On Wed, 15 Nov 2023 at 13:55, Maf. King  wrote:
> > > > On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 13:36:20 GMT David Kirkby wrote:
> > > > Hi David.
> > > 
> > > Hi Maf
> > > 
> > > > I presume these are vendor bills and were entered as such via A/P?
> > > 
> > > Yes.
> > > 
> > > IIRC, in the bank account right-click the transaction that paid the bill
> > > 
> > > > and
> > > > then choose "Assign as payment"
> > > 
> > > Em, I can't see that option. Here's what I see in the bank account for
> > 
> > the
> > 
> > > one that has *not *be reconciled. The total amount for the bill is
> > 
> > £52.76,
> > 
> > > but was paid along with several others to the same vendor as I have a
> > > credit account with them. I have unposted the billed, corrected the
> > 
> > error,
> > 
> > > and posted it again, but it shows as unpaid. This is what I see in the
> > 
> > bank
> > 
> > > account. I don't any "Assign as payment" when I right click. See
> > > screenshots. I'm using GnuCash 5.4 on Windows.
> > 
> > Aah, so the payment txn covered multiple bills.  I see.   Well, from the
> > options in the screenshot, "Edit payment" seems the most appropriate.
> > 
> > 
> > another choice you *may* have is to "process payment" like normal and
> > select
> > something like "auto balance forward" and the edited bill in the dialog
> > box,
> > but I'm relly not sure on that.
> > 
> > The final option (a little more nuclear)  is to delete the payment txn
> > from the
> > bank account and reprocess all the relevant bills.
> > 
> > HTH,
> > Maf.
> > 
> > > (Note there was another error on this - when I paid the vendor I
> > > actually
> > > overpaid £10. So there's a £10 credit note, but that was used the next
> > > month, so that's not a big deal.)
> > > 
> > > [image: image.png][image: image.png]
> > 
> > ___
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Re: [GNC] Bill allocated to the wrong account

2023-11-15 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 15:09:09 GMT David Kirkby wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Nov 2023 at 13:55, Maf. King  wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 13:36:20 GMT David Kirkby wrote:
> > Hi David.
> Hi Maf
> > I presume these are vendor bills and were entered as such via A/P?
> Yes.
> IIRC, in the bank account right-click the transaction that paid the bill
> > and
> > then choose "Assign as payment"
> Em, I can't see that option. Here's what I see in the bank account for the
> one that has *not *be reconciled. The total amount for the bill is £52.76,
> but was paid along with several others to the same vendor as I have a
> credit account with them. I have unposted the billed, corrected the error,
> and posted it again, but it shows as unpaid. This is what I see in the bank
> account. I don't any "Assign as payment" when I right click. See
> screenshots. I'm using GnuCash 5.4 on Windows.

Aah, so the payment txn covered multiple bills.  I see.   Well, from the 
options in the screenshot, "Edit payment" seems the most appropriate. 

another choice you *may* have is to "process payment" like normal and select 
something like "auto balance forward" and the edited bill in the dialog box, 
but I'm relly not sure on that.

The final option (a little more nuclear)  is to delete the payment txn from the 
bank account and reprocess all the relevant bills.


> (Note there was another error on this - when I paid the vendor I actually
> overpaid £10. So there's a £10 credit note, but that was used the next
> month, so that's not a big deal.)
> [image: image.png][image: image.png]

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Re: [GNC] Bill allocated to the wrong account

2023-11-15 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 13:36:20 GMT David Kirkby wrote:
> I have received a couple of bills from an electronics component supplier.
> These should be allocated as "Stock" but I must have accidentally clicked
> "Travel" instead.(I noticed this after doing a trial balance, and seeing
> some travel there, when I knew there was no travel).
> One has been reconciled against the bank account, the other one has not.
> I thought the one that had not been reconciled would be easy to correct by
> just unposting, changing the account from Travel to Stock. I did that, and
> it was okay. However, at that point is was shown as unpaid. What's the best
> way of paying it?

Hi David.

I presume these are vendor bills and were entered as such via A/P?

IIRC, in the bank account right-click the transaction that paid the bill and 
then choose "Assign as payment"

> The more tricky one is the one that has been reconciled to the bank
> account. Can that be corrected easily? If not, I could just leave it as
> Travel and let my accountant know. The amount is quite small - under £10,
> but I would like to get it right if possible.

Do the same thing.edit the bill in the ususal way, then reassign the 
payment.  Worst that happens  (if the bank account txn unreconciles itself) is 
an extra transaction at the top of the next reconcilliation.  Just include it 
and go to the correct ending balance and it should all work out.  Or just re-
do the last reconcile again.  but I don't think it will get that far.


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Re: [GNC] Reconciliation with a strange opening balance

2023-11-13 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 13 November 2023 15:20:28 GMT Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user wrote:

> I set off to see where, but, in the course of my search, I tried to find
> the number 10,443.43 in the account, as a baseline, but didn't find one.
> If I understand the process of reconciliation the number should be
> somewhere in the account, should it not??

or possibly ~5221.70 as a CR when it should be a DR (etc). or several smaller 
errors which total the ~10k discrepancy you are seeing


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Re: [GNC] Old book not opening

2023-11-13 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 13 November 2023 07:51:20 GMT Liz wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Nov 2023 08:45:20 -0500
> Ken Farley  wrote:
> > The files you want to open have names of the format " > Name>.gnucash". You need to find those files, without the .gcm or any
> > Name>
> > other suffix.
> A very old Gnucash file will not have a suffix.
> Examples
> Current file name   accounts.gnucash
> Metadate file name  accounts.gcm
> Very old file name  accounts

or possibly accounts.xac

my files *still* use .xac as the suffix


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Re: [GNC] I need basic help

2023-10-25 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 25 October 2023 18:56:11 BST Edwin Booth via gnucash-user wrote:
> Back when I paid it, I just made a payment out of my bank checking account
> straight to the CC company. Now, how do I assign that transaction? It’s not
> a CC expense but it is an expense of some kind—just from a different place.


Just assign it to the Bank Account in GC that you paid from in real life

I understand what you mean when you say it is an expense.  It is not, really, 
it is not. 

This is another concept you need to wrap your head around.  The expense 
happens when you buy the food (whatever) on the CCard.  You then have a 
liability to the CCard Co.  You clear that liability by transferring some of 
your asset (in the bank checking account) to cancel the liability.

Hope you follow me.

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Re: [GNC] I need basic help

2023-10-19 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 19 October 2023 07:04:39 BST Edwin Booth via gnucash-user wrote:
> How do I now assign
> all those transactions to their proper accounts without first importing
> this OFX file into GnuCash? 

one step in the inport process is to assign the accounts.   GC "learns" and 
will offer suggestions, but to start with, you have to do that manually.  
Don't just click through the diallog boxes

> But for some reason I saw
> this email in my Yahoo mail app rather than in my Gmail app. Please respond
> to this by sending out my Gmail account. Thanks,
> Edwin
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

I think the replies have gone to Yahoo! because you sent the original mail 
from Yahoo! and Yahoo! has set this header (instruction for email software)

Reply-To: Edwin Booth 

I've only replied to the list, not to Edwin personally, although my email 
software was expecting to send to the Yahoo! address and I overrode that...


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Re: [GNC] Residual Processes After Closing GnuCash

2023-10-16 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 16 October 2023 14:31:10 BST Paul Kroitor wrote:
> This started in 5.1 and I was told that it was a known issue from 5.1
> through 5.3, fixed in 5.4, but I am definitely running 5.4 (from a file
> called gnucash-5.4-1.setup from a file downloaded Oct 15th), and the issue
> persists. Rebooting or killing the processes solves the immediate issue but
> the behaviour remains.

Hi Paul.

My recollection is that this "ghost process" issue only came to light in 5.4 
for Windows.

looking at bug my read is that 
it is fixed for 5.5


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Re: [GNC] Stock quotes hung

2023-10-09 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 9 October 2023 16:52:17 BST David Carlson wrote:
> Not sure exactly what happened in your case.  But usually, if you can put
> the focus on the "frozen" process, then Alt-F4 will kill it.
> > There are other ways as well in Linux, for example with htop.

Ctrl-Alt-Escape is quite good at killing a stuck process, as long as it has a 
window open.   Quick too

> On Mon, Oct 9, 2023, 10:13 AM Fred Tydeman  wrote:
> > I am back home and stock quotes is working fine.
> > So, my problem must have been a very slow internet connection.
> > It would be nice if there were some way to cancel a stock quote fetch
> > in progress.  I had to reboot the entire Linux system before.
> > 
> > On Sat, Sep 9, 2023 at 3:25 PM Fred Tydeman 
> > 
> > wrote:
> > > I was wrong.  The gnucash-cli command, after a couple of minutes, did
> > > finish.
> > > And looking at the price history, it did get the AT price for
> > 
> > yesterday.
> > 
> > > So, it looks like things are very slow for some reason.
> > > Perhaps the internet at this airbnb is causing problems.
> > > 
> > > On Sat, Sep 9, 2023 at 5:19 PM Fred Tydeman 
> > > 
> > > wrote:
> > >> I have removed Get Quotes for all of my stocks and have just GBP
> > 
> > currency
> > 
> > >> getting quotes.
> > >> Doing the gnucash-cli command works.
> > >> 
> > >> If I add in just one stock (T == AT), gnucash-cli hangs.
> > >> 
> > >> I tried adding in --debug to that gnucash-cli, but nothing stood out as
> > 
> > a
> > 
> > >> problem.
> > >> 
> > >> Suggestions?
> > 
> > ___
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Re: [GNC] Columns

2023-10-08 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 6 October 2023 18:34:54 BST Jose Fuenzalida wrote:
> Hi , my name is Jose and I stared using Gnucash about a month ago and I have
> a question : is there any way to add more columns to the Account page? I
> mean it has only 3 columns : Account name, Description and total. I
> understand that if it is possible it may affect others part of the program
> as for example giving totals ,etc. but I only want to add just sort of
> inert info nothing to affect everything else so it would only be visible on
> the Accounts page .
 HI Jose,

Welcome to Gnucash and the list.

There are a load of other columns you can display on the Chart of Accounts 

If you look at the very right hand end of the columns titles row, there should 
be a downward pointing arrow.   Click on it!   


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Re: [GNC] GnuCash_user: rounding errors and significant digits

2023-10-07 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 7 October 2023 20:03:31 BST Bruce McCoy via gnucash-user wrote:
> Again,we age.

Yes, we do.  
Too quickly to be going around in circles.

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Re: [GNC] I have a MacBook Pro

2023-10-05 Thread Maf. King
It isn't clear from what you say - did you already have GC working and have 
done some upgrades and now you can't get going again?

If so, File -> Open  {find your data file}  might be something to try.


On Thursday, 5 October 2023 18:02:40 BST Edwin Booth wrote:
> Hi. I cannot get GnuCash to work on my MacBook Pro (running Ventura). I’ve
> downloaded the latest version and then, once I’ve tapped on the line in the
> downloads file, it just goes to a page that says “unsaved GnuCash file” and
> asks if I wish to save it or close it. Neither button works; it just sits
> there and does nothing. Also, the GnuCash icon doesn’t seem to come up
> again anywhere when I restart my Mac. I have to go back to the download
> file to find it. Then it goes to that “unsaved GnuCash file” again and I’m
> stuck there.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Transaction inconsistency when deleting account

2023-09-05 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 5 September 2023 13:51:11 BST Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) wrote:
> On 2023-09-04 21:28, Jediator wrote:
> > Let's not to discuss whether it's a good idea or not to delete an
> > account that contains transactions.  It's a valid user function in GC to
> > delete a non-empty account. 
> I've never done that myself, but from discussions I followed here in the
> past, when you delete an account that has transactions, GC prompts you
> to specify an account to move those transactions to. Did that not happen
> for you?
>  > If you follow the double-entry accounting
> > 
> > rule, the related transactions in other accounts should be deleted.
> I beg to differ. Just deleting an account can't change the past. Those
> transactions represent events that happened, and deleting the account
> can't make them unhappen; they must continue to exist *somewhere*. Maybe
> going to Imbalance is what happens if you don't give GC an account to
> move them to?


I just tried deleting an account.   As expected, I was presented with the 
choice to "move transactions to..." or "Delete all transactions" (see 
screenshot - this is GC 4.x, maybe the wording is different in v5)

Deleting the transactions does not really seem to delete anything, the 
transaction splits effectively moved to Imbalance-GBP.  

 One could argue that "splits" in the deleted account have been deleted, and 
GC has auto-created new splits to the Imbalance account - I don't know what 
the internal process is- but it "feels" to the end user like a move, not a 

Given a "transaction" is a collection of "at least 2 splits",  then I think I 
agree with the OP, (whatever the validity of the reason for wanting to delete 
an account), being told that "transactions" will be deleted and them still 
existing seems a bug (maybe only in wording in the dialog box)

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Re: [GNC] Issues with gnucash files

2023-08-28 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 28 August 2023 11:44:54 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> But I see the solution as moving it to the regular user account, fixing
> the file ownership and permission flags, and then proceeding to clean up
> the multiple file/backup file apparent mess.


get everything RW and into a folder in the "Barry" tree.   find the most 
recently changed file(s) and go from there (in a new folder) with the save 
issue. then Barry will have to clean up the inevitable missing txns that 
were made in backup files only.

@Nigel Stapley.   ISTR the user Mahon Finbar has been on the list for years, 
only occasionally having problems which I think have been solved in the past 
quite swiflty or easliy  (or not).   I think he is having genuine problems 
just now.  However, I agree that the problems as presented seem somewhat wider 
than just GC.


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Re: [GNC] Issues with gnucash files

2023-08-28 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 28 August 2023 00:14:09 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote:

>  >  >  >  No one ever requested this,

I even said in a prior post to Barry specifically *never* to send his 
"production" GC file(s) to the list.

I also note, and it may be a typo by Barry, but the user often being called 
the "Administrator" account by some people on the list has been listed in a 
file path by Barry more than once as "administrato"

What I'm saying is that there is no certainty that one account is or is not a 
"root" operator with whatever extra rights or not.

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Re: [GNC] Fwd: Gnucash

2023-08-25 Thread Maf. King
I've just had a thought on a possible reason the original file could not be 
saved.  I may be barking up the wrong tree.

Does Win have a maximum length for a filename?

If Barry (OP) has been repeatedly opening and working on backups and backups 
of backups etc.., is it possible that repeated time-stamps have hit some sort 
of string-length limit (either in Win, GC, Gnome-libs or whatever layer)??

Last time I was actively using MS for anything regularly, the filename length 
limit was 8+3 ... so I'll defer to pretty much anyone's opinion on this! 


On Friday, 25 August 2023 17:09:54 BST David Carlson wrote:
> Barry,
> Please do not send messages to individuals on the Gnucash-user list.
> I have no idea what did not go through in that prior email because it
> didn't go through.
> Then your next sentence confuses me too because I cannot tell if it is a
> comment about the user list, about the GnuCash program. about your Email
> app or about how permissions for users works in Windows.
> -- Forwarded message -
> From: Barry Mahon 
> Date: Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 10:24 AM
> Subject: Gnucash
> To: 
> Thanks to all.
> On the issue of rights, I have never had any issues before this saga, so
> should I assume I have had 'rights' to save documents under administrato??
> When you say 'truncated' does that mean you cannot see the CaptureWiz
> images?? I have had issues all along with Gnucash needing specific file
> types to display files for messages, does that apply to gnucash-user?? For
> reasons I don't understand I have never been able to copy files from Gnu in
> my MS Windows10 to the 'required' format, for queries about Gnucash!!
> Quite frustrating.
> Finbar

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Re: [GNC] Issues with gnucash files

2023-08-25 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 25 August 2023 16:31:47 BST Mahon Finbar wrote:
> As I said, I have had unresolved issues with creating .jpg files from MS.

did you?  sorry, must have missed that bit.  is it easier to send a PNG?  that 
should get through as an attached image well enough.

> I'' try creating jpg from CaptureWiz and attach

OK.  or whatever file type CaptureWiz defaults to (I don't know that program).  
I'd imagine that  (some) others on the list and I can open the vast majority 
of probable image formats this end.

good luck.

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[GNC] Fwd: Re: Issues with gnucash files

2023-08-25 Thread Maf. King
CCing to the list.

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: [GNC] Issues with gnucash files
Date: Friday, 25 August 2023, 13:52:20 BST
From: Maf. King 
To: Mahon Finbar 

On Friday, 25 August 2023 09:58:22 BST you wrote:
> Thanks to all.
> On the issue of rights, I have never had any issues before this saga, so
> should I assume I have had 'rights' to save documents under administrato??

Assume nothing.  Test it and find out for sure.

> When you say 'truncated' does that mean you cannot see the CaptureWiz
> images?? I have had issues all along with Gnucash needing specific file
> types to display files for messages, does that apply to gnucash-user??
> For reasons I don't understand I have never been able to copy files from
> Gnu in my MS Windows10 to the 'required' format, for queries about
> Gnucash!! Quite frustrating.

Your images have not made it through on your last couple of posts.  just 
attach a jpg image to your email.  (attach, not inline)   If you want to send 
a GC test data file, (but don't ever send your "real" datafiles to the list!), 
just attach it (*.gnucash).  No format conversion or copy-paste needed.



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Re: [GNC] Today's search....for .lck

2023-08-13 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 13 August 2023 19:41:29 BST Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user wrote:

> Could I suggest I try saving individually GNU files from the period
> before 30.7.2023, which is when the issue of not being able to save the
> files started, as .txt files and sent them over?


This whole thing seems to be a mess, with different users, different levels of 
backup files being used and reused, and folders seemingly vanishing.  I'm not 
sure that introducing .txt files randomly will help anyone.

Can you still open whatever you think is your most "recent" gnucash data file  
(ie the one you think has the most recent changes in it)?   (just starting the 
program from the menu might do it - not worrying about users and data files and 
so on)

Can you then "Save As"  and a create new file (choose a sensible filename) just 
in the top level of the user's folder?  (that at least will get over the 
problem of which user is trying to save files, clean-up can wait)


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Re: [GNC] How to transfer all my accounts etc. to new computer. Linux version

2023-08-13 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 13 August 2023 01:40:15 BST Liz wrote:

> Gnucash opens, but a lot of my preferences are gone, and even which is
> my next invoice number.

Hi Liz.

I'm reasonably certain (but have not checked), that the "counters" for the 
next invoice number etc are stored within the datafile itself.

Maybe you've uncovered a bug related to the version change?


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Re: [GNC] How to transfer all my accounts etc. to new computer.

2023-08-12 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 11 August 2023 15:00:35 BST Shevach Pepper wrote:
>I’m sure this is really simple but I’m not successful.
>I installed gnucash on new computer but I can’t find an option to
>import all my old accounts from old computer. I’m sure this has been
>asked before, but I can’t find any instructions on how to do it.

Hi Shevach.

You're correct - it is "simple" to do, and the question has been asked enough 
times before to have an entry in the FAQ:

Basically you need to copy your data file.  (Just like you need to copy 
your word processor docs and spreadsheets and photos and other data files in 
your user's old folders.)

Only you can know what your data file is called and where it is in your folder 
tree on the old computer.


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Re: [GNC] Today's search....for .lck

2023-08-07 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 7 August 2023 16:03:22 BST Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user wrote:

> You can see why I am confused and very worried that I have lost all the
> recent data.

You probably haven't lost work, at least not before the last successful 
save. the problem comes in finding the work you've done.

Can you sort your directory of files in a date order. not filename or GC 
timestamps, but the "date last modified" or something similar?

The "most recently saved file" will be the point where GC stopped working for 
whatever reason, that we still need to get to the bottom of, once you have a 
useable datafile to hand.

This thread does seem to be all over the place with various issues at the 


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Re: [GNC] gnucash complaining about libdbi version

2023-08-06 Thread Maf. King
See the post fron Friday by John Ralls "MySQL Backend"

does that accurately describe your problem?


On Sunday, 6 August 2023 08:21:11 BST Joost van Hooren wrote:
> Dear GnuCash community,
> for years I've been happily using GnuCash on Windows, storing my data in
> mariadb. Unfortunately it now started complaining about the version of
> libdbi and I can't use my data anymore. I didn't change anything and even
> tried upgrading from 4.13 to 5.3, but to no avail. Removed the program and
> reinstalled, but alas. Nothing seems to fix the issue. Can someone help?
> The error:
> The library "libdbi" installed on your system doesn't correctly store large
> numbers. This means GnuCash cannot use SQL databases correctly. Gnucash
> will not open or save to SQL databases until this is fixed by installing a
> different version of "libdbi". Please see
> for more information.
> Thank you!
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Another try at "How to record payments for several items paid with a single transaction?"

2023-07-24 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 24 July 2023 12:34:58 BST Maf. King wrote:

> press tab twice. and repeat until you have 3.40 of
> assorted delicious confectionary.   

ahem "£3.49 of assorted".

damn fat fingers!

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Re: [GNC] Another try at "How to record payments for several items paid with a single transaction?"

2023-07-24 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 24 July 2023 12:05:24 BST Chris Green wrote:

> Can someone run me through how to do this, i.e. enter something like
> the above where there are three items making up a single transaction
> from 'cashInPocket' to 'shopkeeper'.

OK.  I've opened my petty cash account from the CoA. ( I default to Auto-split 
and double line view.)

The date for a new blank transaction is highlit.
press tab, twice.
Type your description (Sweets-U-Like)
press Tab.  Enter a memo or note if you wish.
press tab.
A new split is created.
pres tab.  Enter your line item (bought sweets)
press tab 3 times
Enter 3.49 in the credit column
press tab twice. a new split is created
enter Bubblegum.
press tab
Enter the expense account (Expense:sweets)  (I'm using misc) 
press tab.. enter £1 in the debit column
press tab 3 times.  A new split is created
enter chocolate press tab.  put £1.50 in the debit column.
press tab twice. and repeat until you have 3.40 of 
assorted delicious confectionary.  Then press Enter to commit the transaction.

good luck.
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Re: [GNC] Another try at "How to record payments for several items paid with a single transaction?"

2023-07-24 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 24 July 2023 10:38:35 BST Chris Green wrote:
> Maybe I should put this a different way, the answers so far don't seem
> to quite address my question, probably because I'm not describing what
> I'm trying to do.
> So, very simply, say I am buying sweets in a shop and I select:-
> One bar of chocolate0.99
> Two bags of pear drops  1.50
> Chewing gum 1.00
> Then I pay the shopkeeper   3.49
> I want to record this in GnuCash in a way that shows that it is a
> single transaction debiting 'cash in my pocket' and crediting
> 'shopkeeper' but I want to detail the items making up the transaction.
> How do I do this?

Erm... 4 splits?  3 to Expenses:Sweets and one to CashInPocket.   then for the 
register, ensure View as... something not auto-expanding splits.

Will truthfully say that I have not followed the thread so far.


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Re: [GNC] Two Instances as opposed to two separate files

2023-07-14 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 14 July 2023 12:34:28 BST Fross, Michael wrote:
> I  run multiple instances at the same time, but you have to open different
> data files. I’d keep them in different directories to be tidy.

I don't do it often, but have had occasion to have GC side-by-side on 2 data 
files at the same time.

What I have done is start a 2nd instance of GC, let it warn me that the data 
file is in use already, select open read-only then file-> open to the second 
data file.  (I have 6 in regular use).  But I'm on Linux, don't know it that 
would work the same on any WinOs flavour.

Agree 100% about keeping each data file in its own sub-directory, and about not 
changing prefs while 2 instances are running!


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Re: [GNC] Backup

2023-06-28 Thread Maf. King
Hi James,

I'm Maf, not David, and I can't tell you that from here.

I would suggest that on a philosophical level, if you don't *know* that your 
back-up strategy is working (and you can recover files from it at will), then 
it might be time to rethink your strategy.

good luck,

On Wednesday, 28 June 2023 11:49:46 BST you wrote:
> David You are not tell me if the backup is working or not.
> ThanksJames Baxter 
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>   On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 3:35 AM, Maf. King wrote:   On 
Wednesday, 28 June 2023 00:46:45 BST James Baxter via gnucash-user wrote:
> > I have a backup drive. I have looked over it and I don't see it. Does
> > Gnucash have a backup. Or what. ThanksJames Baxter
> Hi James.
> If you are using the default  XML file to store your GC data, then it is
> possible to have GC set up in a way so that the *program* creates a sort of
> back-up file each time you save the changes you have made to the *Data*
> file.  (I think GC does this by default, if you don't explicitly tell GC
> not to in the program options)
> May I ask a related (rhetorical) question?
> How do you back up your other *data* files?  (ie your photos, letters you
> have written in a wordprocessor, for example)
> If those things are important to you, then you really should devise a system
> you are comfortable with so that your important digital assets can survive
> a range of threats - from minor disk errors thru ransomware or hardware
> failure up to catastrophies like fire, flood etc.  There is lots of info on
> the web about how to do this and there is no correct answer that is right
> for everyone... and it is not on-topic for this list...
>  Just (as a minimum) include your GC data file in that backup strategy you
> devise if you don't know where you have saved your GC data file, then
> that is the first thing you need to figure out (hints: look at the main
> window title bar for the filename and File -> SaveAs for the folder (but
> don't actually "Save"!)) before you consider if the file is backed up
> adequately or not...
> HTH,
> Maf.

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Re: [GNC] Backup

2023-06-28 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 28 June 2023 00:46:45 BST James Baxter via gnucash-user wrote:
> I have a backup drive. I have looked over it and I don't see it. Does
> Gnucash have a backup. Or what. ThanksJames Baxter

Hi James.

If you are using the default  XML file to store your GC data, then it is 
possible to have GC set up in a way so that the *program* creates a sort of 
back-up file each time you save the changes you have made to the *Data* file.  
(I think GC does this by default, if you don't explicitly tell GC not to in 
the program options)

May I ask a related (rhetorical) question?

How do you back up your other *data* files?  (ie your photos, letters you have 
written in a wordprocessor, for example)  

If those things are important to you, then you really should devise a system 
you are comfortable with so that your important digital assets can survive a 
range of threats - from minor disk errors thru ransomware or hardware failure 
up to catastrophies like fire, flood etc.  There is lots of info on the web 
about how to do this and there is no correct answer that is right for 
everyone... and it is not on-topic for this list...

 Just (as a minimum) include your GC data file in that backup strategy you 
devise if you don't know where you have saved your GC data file, then that 
is the first thing you need to figure out (hints: look at the main window title 
bar for the filename and File -> SaveAs for the folder (but don't actually 
"Save"!)) before you consider if the file is backed up adequately or not...


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Re: [GNC] gnucash - Can't Save file

2023-06-26 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 26 June 2023 17:42:21 BST Neil Campbell wrote:
> > The bug has been reported.  Gnucash can't save to a compressed file, the
> > fix is due any day now.  However, 5.1 work fine if you want to upgrade
> > now.
> Really? Please tell me how I can recover over 2 hours of work on GnuCash ver
> 5.2? I mean, is there any way I can recover my changes/input which I will
> lose if I now go back to ver 5.1? I am in limbo at present.
> Neil Campbell


given that there are 2 workarounds to save your file suggested in the message 
posted at 00:29 (UK time) by john Ralls, you have no need to lose 2 hours of 

but if you have already lost the chance to save and exited GC without saving, 
maybe a log reply will get you some of the lost time back?


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Re: [GNC] Reversing a finished credit card reconciliation

2023-06-25 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 25 June 2023 14:52:50 BST David T. wrote:
> Both previous replies were on target-- but, I do wonder how you finished the
> first reconciliation, since GnuCash won't activate the finish button until
> the Difference value is zero. If the transaction was wrong, the balance
> would be non-zero?

.. Just a suggestion,  ISTR that the "ending balance" is auto-filled to a 
calculated balance at date.

If the txns are wrong, so will the "suggested" end balance.  If the step 
Gregory OP missed was to correctly set the end balance, _I Think_ the 
reconcile would permit a finish to a bogus total.


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Re: [GNC] Reversing a finished credit card reconciliation

2023-06-25 Thread Maf. King
Hi Gregory,

welcome to the list and Gnucash.

Just ignore that the starting balance is wrong, go through the reconcilliation 
as normal aiming for the correct ending balance.

should sort itself out.

On Thursday, 22 June 2023 01:08:01 BST Gregory Donavon wrote:
>  I hope you can help me unwind an error I made after not following one of
> the steps in a busybee post video on youtube: I transposed a couple of
> numbers on one transaction, this resulted in there being a difference of a
> few dollars. Rather than hitting "postpone," I hit "finished" with the plan
> of coming back later to figure out the location of the error. When I
> changed the transposed entry to the correct amount, that didn't correct the
> problem because when I went back in to reconcile , the starting balance was
> wrong and I could not change it or bring up the original reconciliation
> page. Is there anything I can do - this is my first month using gnucash.
> Any suggestions you have for reversing the transactions would be
> appreciated.
> Thanks for your help,
> Gregory Donavon
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Re: [GNC] automatically account for gst on random purchases

2023-06-18 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 18 June 2023 03:06:28 BST Karl May wrote:

> Any suggestions how this can be automated such that the default is a
> transaction split and application of a default GST rate?
> Thanks

Hi Karl,

If your "random" transactions are mostly from a regular set of suppliers, then 
I truly think that your best route is to enter the transactions manually and 
not do the import.

Autofill will do a lot of the heavy lifting and create the splits ready for you 
to bash the numbers in, on the 2nd and following transactions for any given 

there is no other "more automated" way that I know of.


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Re: [GNC] gunzip test.gnucash fails

2023-05-31 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 31 May 2023 20:00:48 BST David G. Pickett via gnucash-user 
> gunzip does not care about the name.

It does, sort of.  more than you might expect for such an ancient Unix 

from the man page:

   gunzip takes a list of files on its command line and replaces each file 
name  ends  with
   .gz, -gz, .z, -z, or _z (ignoring case) and which begins with the 
correct magic number with an
   uncompressed file without the original extension. 

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Re: [GNC] balance of interests between users and developers

2023-05-20 Thread Maf. King
Thank you Geert, for a considered response and reminder of the limitations of 
a (all?) volunteer groups.

I can imagine that it was disheartening for the dev team to be met with so 
many bugs and so much vitriol over the issues some use-cases found with the 
5.0 release.  I can also understand the reluctance of the user base to beta-
test, given the nature of GC as a product and the "don't use this on important 
data" warnings. it is clear from the list that many users don't get the 
idea of the GC data file being "outside" the GC program on disk

You guys are appreciated for your time and effort on GC, that can not be 
repeated too often - devs, translators, testers, and the guys on here who are 
able to help other users.


On Saturday, 20 May 2023 10:32:32 BST Geert Janssens wrote:
> I really shouldn't answer this, but it's too painful to read...
> Perhaps the user's expectations are too high for a volunteer project such as
> gnucash. It's true, things go wrong. Especially with major releases which
> typically have changes accumulating over the longer development cycle which
> gets very little end user testing. we do encourage this by the way but we
> get surprisingly little of it. I suppose end users are volunteers as well
> and have limited time to help out in testing.
> That aside, we do take these issues seriously. From what I can tell almost
> **all** the changes that went into gnucash 5.1 were to solve problems that
> appeared in the 5.0 release. There were more than we could handle in the
> single month between these two releases. We're still working on fixing more
> for the next release.
> Those include the issue with entering descriptions in the register and the
> broken multi- column reports.Please do understand that while it's sometimes
> easy to point out a problem, it does take time for a proper fix.
> Yesterday we added a fix for the multi column report which we hope should
> solve the issue. You are most welcome to download the latest nightly builds
> to help us verify this.
> The other one has a patch waiting, which is still under discussion. It has
> high priority but we don't want to make it a half-baked solution.
> More hands helping out are always welcome by the way. In the absence of more
> helping hands, things proceed at the pace the current development team can
> handle. You're free to feel happy or sad about that.
> Regards,
> Geert
> Op zaterdag 20 mei 2023 09:37:08 CEST schreef G R Hewitt:
> > I agree with the sentiments WM expressed; I have had the growing feeling
> > from reading the emails that pet projects are worked on in isolation to
> > the
> > main.
> > It kind of reminds me of a model railway exhibition I once went to many
> > moons ago. On one large display, all nicely set out, no trains were
> > running
> > as everyone involved was working on their particular pet project; the
> > signals weren't working as they were all in bits as 'something new was
> > being tried out',
> > the power to the track wasn't on for the same reason, and people with
> > trains to run were just hanging about with a cup of tea flicking switches
> > in the
> > hope that it, somehow, might work beyond the odd pulse of power that moved
> > the train a few inches and then stopped - or worse ran the train backwards
> > so it came off the lines.
> > 
> > On Fri, 19 May 2023 at 22:41, Wm  wrote:
> > > I think the balance between users of gnc and developers of gnc has
> > > broken down.
> > > 
> > > My personal instinct is inclined towards development, towards software
> > > getting better, being more inclusive, making things easier, you get the
> > > drift.
> > > 
> > > Unfortunately it seems some personal projects got in the way of making
> > > gnc 5 better for everyone.
> > > 
> > > The most obvious interaction fail is transaction completion which should
> > > have been an improvement but has ended up as an "I'm right, you are all
> > > wrong" issue :(
> > > see 798829 – 5.0 transaction completion features are buggy (
> > >  for details :(
> > > 
> > > For small organizations / charitable organizations / whatever they are
> > > in your locale, v5 broke reporting in a significant way.
> > > see 798809 – Multicolumn report error when reopened after saving.
> > > ( 
> > > why? because preparing a standard set of reports is what is expected of
> > > small businesses, etc
> > > it is understood, pretty much in every jurisdiction, that you start with
> > > last year's balance sheet, you add in the income statement for the last
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Re: [GNC] New Accounts do not Display

2023-04-24 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 24 April 2023 02:58:02 BST Murugan Muruganandam wrote:
> please check in edit account if the hidden flag is enabled,

Or View -> Filter By -> Other  -> Show [unused | zero-balance]  accounts is 


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Re: [GNC] Exporting reports to spreadsheet

2023-03-29 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 29 March 2023 22:03:56 BST George Riner wrote:
> I suspect LO is being way more "clever"!
> :George

Yeah.  File->Open in LO calc seems the most bullet proof route around any 
"cleverness" in LO...

or the copy-and -paste as David T suggests.


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Re: [GNC] Exporting reports to spreadsheet

2023-03-29 Thread Maf. King
I _think_ that LibreOffice is more clever than just looking at the file 
extension.  ISTR that  LO examines the file as it opens, and decides if a text 
editor (writer) would be more appropriate than Calc for the contents of the 
file, regardless of name.extension And HTML is "text"


On Wednesday, 29 March 2023 21:14:43 BST Murugan Muruganandam wrote:
> can you please try and save it with extension ".ods" and check if it is
> directly opening in the Calc application
> Saludos Cordiales
> Murugan
> From: gnucash-user
>  on behalf of
> George Riner  Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 1:11
> PM
> To: Gnucash Users 
> Subject: [GNC] Exporting reports to spreadsheet
> The setting:
> Windows 10
> Gnucash 4.13
> When I Export a report I've been supplying a windows extension of
> ".ods". Which I assumed would cause that exported report file to open in
> some OpenDocumentSpreadsheet application, in my case: LibreOffice Calc.
> But it doesn't do that. I double-click the file to open it in the
> default application and it opens in LibreOffice Writer.
> Opening the exported report in a text editor I see that it's really an
> HTML file. And that, in fact, I can specify any windows extension I want
> when exporting the report from Gnucash, and it will always write out a
> file that contains HTML.
> I think Windows is seeing ".ods" as something to open in LibreOffice,
> which starts reading the file and detects that it's HTML and then
> without any asking, renders the HTML in the exported report as a
> LibreOffice Writer document.
> However, if I export a report and specify a file extension of ".xlsx"
> and then double click that to open it, then LibreOffice Calc starts up
> and offers to convert the HTML that's in that file to an actual
> spreadsheet which I can then save as a ".ods" file that opens in
> LibreOffice Calc.
> I find myself in circles trying to find the straight path from Gnucash
> exported reports to LibreOffice Calc and can't seem to untangle the
> Windows/Gnucash/LibreOffice interactions to get this to happen.
> Any Windows + LibreOffice users out that that get this working?
> :George
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Re: [GNC] Reporting Woes - Newbie incompetence

2023-03-24 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 24 March 2023 12:54:19 GMT 
p.f.cuthbert--- via gnucash-user wrote:
> Hi Folks
> The end of the UK Tax Year approaches and I am thinking about my tax
> return. When I used Quicken there was a report that listed every
> transcation in particular accounts which was useful since not all my
> accounts are related to the Return.  I had been hoping to do the same in
> GNU but I don't seem to be able to find a way to do something so simple.
> (Yes I have read all about Reporting but am not a lot the wiser)
> Opening a relevant account, choosing Select All, Copy and Paste into a
> spreadsheet does not seem to be possible either.
> I am sure that somebody has worked out how to do this hence my request.

I think the transaction report will do what you want, with a bit of careful 
options settings.

I'm in the UK, I run one transaction report for relevant income and one for 
expenses each year as the basis for my tax return numbers.  


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Re: [GNC] Confusing version numbers

2023-03-07 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 7 March 2023 09:34:59 GMT aeg via gnucash-user wrote:
> Is there a reason why GnuCash version numbers don't follow a sequence 4.00,
> 4.01, 4.02, etc. instead of 4.0. 4.1, 4.2? I find it a little confusing
> that 4.9 is older than 4.12, and that 4.902 comes just before 5.0
> Alan

Not wishing to speak for the dev team... but this is how I understand the 

4.1  does _NOT_ have a decimal point in it.   perhaps if it were written as 
4_1 it would make more logical to you as the . would not be overloaded with 
another meaning.

Major release 4.  Update (bug fix) 1.   Update 9.. Update 12.

Update 900 is the "preview" to the next major version (5), and similarly 901, 
902. etc. follow on in sequence...  100 possible previews should be enough!


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Re: [GNC] Feature Request

2023-02-15 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 15 February 2023 19:14:06 GMT Adrien Monteleone wrote:

> Third, with respect to your actual request, what do you mean by
> "Unrecognized account"?

> > 
> > UNRECONSIlED  account somehow highlighted in the Account Summary report.

I read it as unreconciled


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Re: [GNC] Can one add notes / memos / whatever to reconciled transactions?

2023-02-05 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 5 February 2023 09:37:44 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Feb 2023 at 04:45, Phyllis Bruce  wrote:
> > What happens when you try it?  As far as I know, there is nothing to
> > prevent it.
> I could not edit it - no error message or anything, but could not be edited.

Hi Dave, 

there is a warning dialog box that you may have suppressed (somewhat 

I think it is along the lines of "warning: you are attepmting to change a 
reconciled transaction.  Are You Sure?"

with an option to never allow a change and never show the warning again.

Have a tinker with Actions -> reset warnings.


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Re: [GNC] "Nested" Expense Category Report

2023-02-03 Thread Maf. King
I think the profit and loss report may be a start point for you, Steve.

the option "Parent Account subtotals : Show Subtotals" might be useful.


On Friday, 3 February 2023 22:43:20 GMT Steve Cohen wrote:
> Actually it's even worse than the example shown.  Had there been no
> transactions at the top level Auto, then all the subcategories would show
> up without any indication that they were under the top level auto account.
> On Fri, Feb 3, 2023 at 3:37 PM Steve Cohen  wrote:
> > I am trying to produce a report of expenses that follows the tree
> > structure of accounts under Expenses.
> > 
> > For example, I'd like something like this:
> > 
> > Auto  $6.50
> > 
> > Fees
> > 
> > $150.00
> > 
> > Gas
> > 
> > $250.00
> > 
> > Parking
> > 
> > $40.25
> > 
> > Repair and Maintenance
> > 
> > $2000.00
> > 
> > Tolls
> > 
> > $40.00
> > 
> > Total Auto$2486.75
> > 
> > 
> > Instead, I get this:
> > 
> > Auto $6.50
> > Fees $150.00
> > Gas $250.00
> > Parking $40.25
> > Repair and Maintenance $2000.00
> > Tolls $40.00
> > 
> > 
> > There is no indication of the nested structure of the accounts and no
> > subtotals for the group.
> > How may I achieve this?
> > 
> > I would send you the configuration I am using if I could figure out how to
> > save the config as a readable file.
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Re: [GNC] Questions about setting up new accounts from brand new user

2023-01-23 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 23 January 2023 17:10:51 GMT Ann Bowes wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to set up a simple manual checking account for a small farm
> business.  I've down-loaded the gnucash program to my laptop (linux
> zorin OS), and have tried to open new accounts, but am completely
> stumped as to how to do this.  I've read through the tutorial (at
>, but I'm
> still stumped  Can anyone give me some pointers?

Hi Ann,

you mean you need to create an account in your Gnucash books?

see the attached image for a pointer...


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Re: [GNC] Exporting Reports to CSV

2023-01-23 Thread Maf. King

On Monday, 23 January 2023 16:35:21 GMT Phyllis Bruce wrote:
> I found out how to export transactions, but how can I export my Tax report
> as CSV?  My only options are HTML or TXF, neither allow me to reformat in
> Excel.

LibreOffice calc can work on the HTML export; I imagine that excel is able to 
the same?


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Re: [GNC] exporting from gnucash to Excel

2023-01-23 Thread Maf. King
Just a thought - can you mangle the VAT spreadsheet to sum the CSV exported 
box 1 and box 6 (nett) figures to give you a grossed-up number?


On Thursday, 19 January 2023 17:20:31 GMT you wrote:
>  How could I organise my accounts such that I can pull my total sales
> including VAT into the Box 6 total in the Income and GST Statement? At
> present my sales go to one account and the VAT charged goes to another. But
> VAT is paid from this latter account to HMRC so the balance of the account
> in a quarter does not equal the total VAT received / charged.
> On Sunday, 15 January 2023 at 19:39:36 GMT+3, Maf. King
>  wrote:
>  On Sunday, 15 January 2023 16:30:38 GMT Paul W wrote:
> >  Thanks Maf. That seems like a neat solution. I'm almost there.
> >
> > Because I'm on the Flat Rate Scheme my Box 6 figure needs to be the total
> > of sales including VAT but apart from my Accounts Receivable which goes
> > to zero once the invoice is paid I don't see how to get that figure from
> > anywhere. I mean my Income:Sales figure does not include the tax - that
> > goes separately to my ouput VAT liability account (which I use to
> > populate Box1).
> > 
> > By the way I'm using 100pc VAT Free Bridge to read a spreadsheet and send
> > the figures to HMRC.It is free and has worked well.
> I've heard of but never looked at the flat rate scheme, so I can't really
> offer any words on it.
> but if you invoice for £100 + VAT, are you saying that Box1= 20 and box 6 =
> 120?
> thanks for the tip on the VAT Bridge Free will investigate it before I
> do my return later in the month!
> regards,
> Maf.

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Re: [GNC] Entering Dividend Confusion

2023-01-22 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 22 January 2023 04:50:47 GMT xboxboy.mageia+GnuCash wrote:

> Thanks: Now which page/account/ledger do I do this on? The dividend
> income one? the company dividend income one? the company stock one??

When the dividends are being reinvested automatically, I enter the transaction 
in the relevant stock account.  I just find it easier to see with the number/
price/value boxes in front of me.

Instead of the usual approach of the cash to buy the shares being transferred 
from Assets:Bank, just transfer from Income:dividend[:etc] and also if 
requited ensure you have the split to show the tax credit too.


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Re: [GNC] exporting from gnucash to Excel

2023-01-15 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 15 January 2023 16:30:38 GMT Paul W wrote:
>  Thanks Maf. That seems like a neat solution. I'm almost there.
> Because I'm on the Flat Rate Scheme my Box 6 figure needs to be the total of
> sales including VAT but apart from my Accounts Receivable which goes to
> zero once the invoice is paid I don't see how to get that figure from
> anywhere. I mean my Income:Sales figure does not include the tax - that
> goes separately to my ouput VAT liability account (which I use to populate
> Box1).
> By the way I'm using 100pc VAT Free Bridge to read a spreadsheet and send
> the figures to HMRC.It is free and has worked well.

I've heard of but never looked at the flat rate scheme, so I can't really offer 
any words on it.

but if you invoice for £100 + VAT, are you saying that Box1= 20 and box 6 = 

thanks for the tip on the VAT Bridge Free will investigate it before I do 
my return later in the month!


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Re: [GNC] exporting from gnucash to Excel

2023-01-13 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 13 January 2023 04:45:20 GMT David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> Indeed.
> I don't have to comply with this either, but it seems to me that "pressing a
> button" to export to Excel provides exactly the same automated reliability
> as CTRL-C/CTRL-V (two buttons, if you will) into Excel. The data in both
> cases will have the same reliability.

You know that,  I know that.  The gubberment want "more automation" than that.  

Because all the VAT fraud in the world happens when you make an honest error 
copying 3 numbers between programs, not systematically at the point of data 

It's digital, and only directly linked.  must be foolproof, so say the powers 
that be

Hmmm.  >:-)

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Re: [GNC] exporting from gnucash to Excel

2023-01-13 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 12 January 2023 14:05:04 GMT Paul W via gnucash-user wrote:
> To submit VAT data to HMRC here in the UK I am obliged to use a method which
> is automatic. So I need to find a way to trasnfer the balances from a
> couple of accounts to an Excel spreadsheet automatically ie not by copying
> and pasting. I need to press a button and it is done without the
> opportunity for errors to be introduced to the figures.Then I use some
> pre-approved software which reads the spreadsheet and uploads the data to
> HMRC. Is there some way to transfer a balance from an account to an Excel
> spreadsheet? ___

Hi Paul.

Yes. quite easy.

You need the report called Income and GST statement, which I find under the 
Reports -> Income & Expenses menu.

Then options -> Format -> UK VAT return
(and any other tweaking you need)

Export -> as CSV

boom, open the CSV in your spreadsheet...

(I use one from CHM software in LibreOffice Calc to file the return, I've 
persuaded it to open the exported CSV and self-populate.  Not an endorsment, 
no connection etc, but I find it does the job.)

good luck.

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Re: [GNC] Will adding a transaction dated earlier than the last reconciliation cause a problem?

2023-01-07 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 7 January 2023 14:21:21 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> I'm inputting my 2022 accounts, and have reconciled up to 10/04/2022
> (DD/MM/). Now I just found a refund, dated 06/04/2022, but does not
> appear in the bank account until 19/04/2022. Is it safe to create a credit
> note, dated 06/04/2022, then reconcile up to 19/04/2022 at a later date? Or
> should I date it 19/04/2022, and reconcile up to that at a later date?

Is the Effective Legal Tax date 6th or 19th?  Enter it to that date.  The 
reconcilliation will not be affected either way.


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Re: [GNC] Register column sizing

2023-01-06 Thread Maf. King
CAn I suggest that columns are given a notional minimum width, to stop the 
problem of the left and right dividers overlapping.  say 5 or 10px or 
something, it you are thiking of diddling around with that area of code?

"vanishing" columns seems to be another similar FAQ over the years.


On Friday, 6 January 2023 19:30:05 GMT john wrote:
> With the exception of the Description field automatically resizing itself to
> fit the register in the window width, I think GnuCash does size columns the
> same way spreadsheets do: You put the pointer on the right-hand divider in
> the header and drag it, and double-click in the header to fit the width to
> the widest entry in that column. What do you think spreadsheets do
> differently?
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> > On Jan 6, 2023, at 5:37 AM, Thomas Forrester 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > I realize I'm answering a slightly different question, but I've never
> > understood why the GnuCash developers have never made column sizing (and
> > apparently hiding, too) work just like spreadsheets.  We already invented
> > that wheel, and people are *really* accustomed to how it works, hence the
> > grumbling when it's discovered by new GnuCash users that it doesn't work
> > that way here.  I think the vast majority would agree that the way
> > spreadsheet columns work is a very mature, and well understood
> > "technology" (for lack of a better word) that has become ubiquitous and
> > intuitive.  Note also that I said "spreadsheets" rather than, say,
> > "Excel" because the way spreadsheet columns work isn't specific to any
> > one spreadsheet program, and once again speaks to how universal handling
> > spreadsheet columns has become.
> > 
> > My guess is that what you're asking is likely just fine, but isn't it just
> > another band-aid that really would be better ripped off in favor of
> > spreadsheet-like resizing logic?
> > 
> > Tom
> > Thomas L. Forrester
> > Middleton, WI USA
> > 
> > On Thu, Jan 5, 2023 at 9:42 PM john>> wrote:
> >> Users,
> >> 
> >> There have been occasional complaints for many years about column width
> >> sizing. See for e.g.
> >> Most users seem to eventually get used to it, but I wonder if anybody
> >> really likes it.
> >> 
> >> The problem boils down to the auto-sizing behavior of the Description
> >> column, which causes that column to grow or shrink when you adjust the
> >> window's width, and to make a horizontal scrollbar appear when you widen
> >> another column. Occasionally someone will complain about the normally
> >> hidden price column because it's possible to catch its handle and widen
> >> it when you mean to widen the balance column.
> >> 
> >> It would be really easy to turn off autosizing on the Description field
> >> and only a little work to figure out another way to handle the price and
> >> ditch that column. Would anyone miss it?
> >> 
> >> Regards,
> >> John Ralls
> >> 
> >> ___
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Re: [GNC] Invoice emailing?

2023-01-03 Thread Maf. King
Just a further 0.02 on this.

generating a PDF in a folder gives you (with no extra work) a handy archive of 
invoice documents actually generated.  If you ever need to quickly refer to 
one (or have the tax man come to visit), an archive of PDFs is IMHO quicker 
than firing up GC and searching.  

But maybe I'm too old school...


On Tuesday, 3 January 2023 08:48:28 GMT david whiting wrote:
> Gnucash can use SQLite and that works well. I set up what Cam Ellison
> described for our football club, where I needed to send about 450
> statements at the end of each month showing players how much they had paid
> and how much they owed. Querying the SQLite database to create the
> statements as pdf files was quite easy. I wasn't using the business
> features for that, as each player was a sub-account in Assets, rather than
> a customer, but I did some other queries with invoices and can see how you
> can easily get what you need.
> David
> On Tue, 3 Jan 2023 at 03:54, Simon Roberts 
> wrote:
> > Also an interesting idea. I'll keep that in mind and in the meantime make
> > a
> > background task to investigate documentation on how one runs this against
> > a
> > DB, and what makes any given DB compatible or not. I would be happy to run
> > it against something like Derby or MySQL. Well, any open source DB that I
> > can reliably connect to from Java/Scala I guess.
> > 
> > Thanks for the idea Cam, much appreciated.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Simon
> > 
> > On Mon, Jan 2, 2023 at 8:24 PM Cam Ellison  wrote:
> > > If you use GnuCash with a database, and have the coding skills, you
> > > could generate whatever invoice you want, and convert and email it. This
> > > would be straightforward in most cases, though not trivial. Access to
> > > the database is not confined to GnuCash itself. Just the same, you'd
> > > have to do it outside of GnuCash.
> > > 
> > > Cheers
> > > 
> > > Cam
> > > 
> > > On 2023-01-02 17:48, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > > > If by 'directly' you mean from 'within GnuCash', no, you can't.
> > > > 
> > > > Since the customer's e-mail address can appear on the invoice in their
> > > > info block, you might be able to set up a script, possibly combined
> > > > with a folder 'watcher' that can automate e-mailing a resulting PDF
> > > > from printing the invoice to that e-mail address and crafting a
> > > > subject line perhaps with the invoice number taken from the document.
> > > > 
> > > > You can of course do the same thing with HTML, via running the invoice
> > > > report, then use the Export button rather than print-to-file.
> > > > 
> > > > How much of this you want to automate to reduce clicks is up to you.
> > > > 
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Adrien
> > > > 
> > > > On 1/2/23 7:15 PM, Simon Roberts wrote:
> > > >> Can I directly email PDF, or was Adrien correct?
> > > 
> > > ___
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> > --
> > Simon Roberts
> > (303) 249 3613
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Re: [GNC] Are accountants happy with CVS exports?

2023-01-02 Thread Maf. King
I run my business accounts out of GC into LibreOffice for pretty formatting and 
so on and thence to my accountant for his magic touch for companies house and 

dead easy to get calc to open the HTML export from GC, or you can copy-paste 


On Monday, 2 January 2023 21:30:04 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> I asked my accountant about using GnuCash. He doesn’t know it, but said if
> can export a CSV file that will be okay.
> Previously I have used LibraOffice, with multiple tabs for different
> things. Something like the following - he provided me with this as a
> suggestion when I first contacted him.
> 1) PayPal account
> 2) Bank Account
> 3) Expenses
> 4) Assets
> 5) Stock - just a list of what I have at the end of the financial year.
> 6) Electricity usage
> He can export that as a CSV file. It will have a list of expenses something
> like
> 2/1/2023, widgets, £12.34
> 1/1/2023, things, £178.12
> All values are positive, and the sum of those is the sum of the expenses.
> That’s quite different from the CSV export from GnuCash, where each line
> has either a positive value or negative, and the sum is zero.
> Do people get any complaints from accountants about the format of the
> files, or are they happy with them?
> I could write my own post-processor using Linux command line tools to get
> data in a format that more resembles what he had before.
> Normally I get my accounts to my accountant near the end of the month they
> need to be submitted, which is 6 months after the end of the financial
> year. Next time I hope to get them to him *much* earlier so if he has any
> problems with the exported files, I can manipulate them.
> It would be nice if one could export all the expenses without the dates
> being in a random order. The only way I can find to get dates in a
> chronological order is to export every single account separately, so there
> are no sub accounts. I thought about trying to write some code that would
> allow all the expenses to be exported in one file in chronological order.
> That’s not an impossible task, but would take me quite a bit of coding. If
> I did it, I would just create something that’s command line driven, using
> as many as the unix tools as possible to cut down the work. It might be
> possible to just make a fairly complex shell script.
> Dave

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Re: [GNC] Is it safe to use Greek, Chinese etc characters

2022-12-22 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 22 December 2022 15:09:36 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

> Okay, I will leave the Greek characters when I see them.  It looks a bit
> nicer if I send a customer an invoice with the Greek omega symbol, rather
> than write ohm. (The electrical resistance of something is expressed in
> ohms, and denoted by a lowercase omega.)

Hmm.  You could always do what the electronics mags of the 70s and 80s did and 
use R rather than Omega for ohms so a 68 ohm resistor would be in the 
parts list as 68R or a 1000 ohm would read as 1k or 1kR... just a thought!

PS, I thought that Ohms was capital Omega, and lower case omega (looking a 
little like a curvy w) was to do with frequencies in resonant circuits or 
angular / rotational mechanics  (there's a 2 -Pi-f ringing a distant bell in 
my brain)?  But that learning is very dusty now, and this is certainly off 
topic for a GC list!


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Re: [GNC] How can I find cost of expenses, including tax?

2022-12-20 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 21 December 2022 05:24:01 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> looks potentially interesting. This post
> probably explains what these boxes are.

Yeah, that's what I used to get GC set up for VAT many years ago.

the "boxes" are the lines on the VAT return form from Memory, box 1,2 are 
the VAT you have charged on your invoices, box 4 is the VAT you've paid to 
suppliers, 3 & 5 are calculated values.

6-9 are the total for various categories of sales/purchases.

> Unfortunately turnover is not going to force me to need to register,
> but it might make sense to. Currently 90% of what I buy has VAT on it, but
> only 10% of what I produce goes to the UK.

it has always been the case that being an unregistered "middleman" between vat 
registered suppliers and vat registered customers is an expensive place to be.

> another top-level of accounts is produced for VAT, so one has 6 categories,
> not the usual 5.

I think that as I decided that I would mostly owe VAT, I folded my VAT 
collection accounts into the liability branch.Assets may be a better 
choice for you.

Speak to your acountant and get some professional opinion on this.  


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Re: [GNC] Best practice to change name of GnuCash file ("book")?

2022-12-20 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 20 December 2022 15:48:11 GMT Eric Chapman wrote:
> I do have a bunch of files named something like
> xxx.gnucash.20221219140714.gnucash
> and they are bigger than the xxx.gnucash file. The last one is dated
> yesterday. So maybe that is a backup?
> But I clicked on it, and it also opens as if it's a completely new file.

If you are on a MAC, you need file -> Open

clicking the data file does not work as you might expect it to.


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Re: [GNC] Best practice to change name of GnuCash file ("book")?

2022-12-20 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 20 December 2022 15:22:42 GMT Eric Chapman wrote:
> Hi,
> I named my file incorrectly. I guess in GnuCash the data file is called
> a "book". I'm using .xml.
> Should I export and import with a new name (as discussed here in issue
> tracker:

File -> Save As  is all you need..


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Re: [GNC] How can I find cost of expenses, including tax?

2022-12-20 Thread Maf. King
Morning Dave.

I think the answer to this depends on the question "are you planning to 
register for VAT?", and also falls squarely in the category of "ask your 
accountant for his opinion on how to do this"

If you are planning to register, then you might as well start your books with 
that goal in mind and have the appropriate VAT collection accounts in your 
tree from day 1.  If you are registered for VAT then the vat charged is not 
part of the cost of stock, but is technically an asset (government will pay it 
back (eventually and if you have no vatable income in a 1/4 )).

If you are not registering, then either: 

you don't record the VAT portion independently of the stock, and it just costs 
20% "more"  ( i think this is what your accountant will say)

Or, you record the VAT split to a separate expense account to track it - then 
you have 3 expense accounts - stock, office and VAT_Paid... and no easy way to 
deduce what you paid for stock+VATwhich  seems to me to be where you 
are as such it wont matter for the annual accounts and tax return, at the 
simple level for a non-vat reg entity you are pretty much reporting 2 numbers 
(income and expense); the actual detailed breakdown of the expense is not 
exposed to anyone except you and your accountant.

Conceptually I think you are mixing two models: either the cost of VAT is the 
cost of VAT and the cost of stock is net, or the cost of stock is gross and 
you have no cost of VAT you can't really mix the 2 models and expect 
accurate or easy answers 

You *could* mirror your expenses tree into a VAT branch too...
but that seems like pain for little gain!


On Tuesday, 20 December 2022 00:46:14 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> My company is not registered for VAT (tax), but I probably have to pay 20%
> VAX (tax) on 75% of the items I buy.
> I have the following accounts
> Expenses
> Expenses -> Stock
> Expenses > Office supplies
> I can not see how I can determine how much I have spent on stock,
> *including* the TAX.
> The account Expenses is a placeholder account, but I see that all the VAT
> goes in there. So
> Expenses -> Stock
> has two sorts of transactions in it
> 1) Items where no tax has been paid
> 2) The price of items excluding the tax
> which seems a bit of a muddle. That’s 100% of the cost of some items, but
> 80% of the cost of the others.
> I can not find the cost (including the tax) from adding up
> Expenses
> and
> Expenses -> Stock
> because Expenses will contain the tax paid on Office supplies too.
> At the end of the year my accountant will want to know how much I have
> spent on stock, but I can’t see a way of exporting the transactions so that
> the file contains that information. My accountant would
> Expenses -> Stock
> but only some things from the placeholder account
> Expenses.
> I assume that there is a way out of this problem.
> Dave

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Re: [GNC] Splitting a Transaction (SOLVED)

2022-12-19 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 19 December 2022 11:12:37 GMT 
p.f.cuthbert--- via gnucash-user wrote:
> 7.  Your cursor is now in the Account column. Click on the drop down
> list and select the account in which you record Dog Food.

Or just start typing the account name.

older vesrsions of GC would need you to type something like Ex:P:Do   
(for Expenses:Pets:DogFood)

more recent versions will cope with something like typing "Dog" at least as 
many letters as are needed to identify the account.


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Re: [GNC] Reconciling credit card

2022-12-12 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 12 December 2022 15:44:49 GMT Mahon Finbar wrote:

> However, the original spend was allocated to 'expenses' > travel. When I
> try to rectify it as a rebate on the expenses a/c the column option is
> 'rebate' but it appears twice, as an expense and a rebate and the
> expenses a/c does not reflect the reduction in the outgoings?
> Why?
 The "other" account should be the bank account where the refund was paid?


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Re: [GNC] accounts list

2022-12-12 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 12 December 2022 15:42:40 GMT Orith wrote:
> It seems I missed explaining myself. It is not the data files that I
> am looking for. It's a new year and I can start from scratch to fill the
> files.  When I downloaded GnuCash from the beginning it did not give me the
> opportunity to build a new accounting files tree. It always did before.
> This time I have to do it one by one on my own.
> Is that the new format of GnuCash 4.12?
> OrithC

What happens if you choose File -> New File ?


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Re: [GNC] Unable to download on new computer

2022-12-12 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 12 December 2022 15:25:11 GMT Orith wrote:
> Thanks for the advice!
> Old computer is burned. Dead. I am unable to copy anything.  Thanks Derek.

>From that, Orith, I assume you also lost all your backups and can't restore 
your datafile from one of those even one a few weeks old?

File -> New File and a lot of data-entry may well be your only choice then.


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Re: [GNC] Unable to download on new computer

2022-12-12 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 12 December 2022 15:03:08 GMT Orith wrote:
> 1. downloaded . 2. setup. 3. agreed to have the unknown program change my
> computer stuff (cannot recall the exact wording) 4. english as language for
> setup 5. install in C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash even though the link was
> there already 6. agreed to translation files and account template files 7.
> set up created a shortcut 8. desktop icon and menu link - ok 9. install 10.
> extracting files 11. setup 12. finish.
> 13. opened the icon on desktop. see infront of me
> Unsaved Book - GnuCash
> Save - no color nothing to click onClose - black with
> an X on the top
> that's it!
> clicked on : file - not open and no menu to open.
> tried:  Ctrl-O - desktop list is open, gnucash is not there at all.
> I wrote back as specific as I could all my steps. It still not working.
> Don't mean to upset anyone, I have no idea what's going on. Help will be
> appreciated
> Thank you
> OrithC


You won't upset anyone on the list if you supply info like that,  It is 
exactly what is needed to help you.

But please do send all replies to the list, not to individuals.  I've never 
used GnuCash on Windows so am of limited help to you on the specifics to do 
with the Windows environment; other users will be able to chime in and say if 
the steps you've listed are all "as expected" or not.

Have you done as Derek suggested yesterday and copied your data file from your 
old computer to the new?

File -> Open (or Ctrl-O) should let you get your "GC data" back open and 
working within the "GC program", once you have put the relevant file onto your 
new computer...

You *may* be slightly confused because GC normally automatically re-opens the 
last data file that it was working on, so it is not always obvious that you 
actually have a data file...but you do!  GC actually works (Conceptually) like 
a word processor in that it can have multiple data files stored on disk and 
open any one of them.   

Think of the letter you wrote last week or the novel you are working on (for 
example).  If you have not copied those datafiles to the new computer, you 
won't be able to open them to carry on working with the contents, no matter if 
you have installed a word processor program or not. 

Installing the program will not magically move the datafile for you!


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Re: [GNC] Unable to download on new computer

2022-12-12 Thread Maf. King

what do you mean "menu of accounts is not coming up"?

"File" Menu then entry "Open" is not there?  
Recently-used files list is not there (no surprise, you said it was a new 

What about pressing Ctrl-O to open your data file?  (works on linux, at least, 
not sure about windows keybindings) 

Tell us what does happen when you try the things folk have suggested, not just 
that "it isn't working"!  (please!)

good luck,

On Monday, 12 December 2022 14:10:59 GMT Orith wrote:
> Hi people.
> I tried again to download the 4.12 version. The menu of accounts is not
> coming up. Cannot use it.
> Uninstalled the whole application.
> Can anyone help please?
> OrithC

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Re: [GNC] Can I add to Equity?

2022-12-02 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 2 December 2022 13:46:38 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> with the intention of adding the £1 share there as an opening balance. But
> it is not possible to edit the opening balance of that account.
> I assume it's me, as the director, that owns that £1 share. I guess, since
> it's only a very small amount, I can ignore it, but it would be nice to
> know where it should go.

You can't alter the "opening balance" in GC per se, but you can put an opening 
transaction in.

My ltd company's books show a transfer for the share capital (£10 in my case, 
for 10 shares issued and *actually* paid)

debit Bank Account and Credit Equity:SharesI imagine you could have an  
Assets:UnpaidShareCapital account to hold the nominal £1, if you have not 
actually paid it to the company's account.

and just a very small technical point, You own the share as a shareholder, not 
as a director.  legally they are 2 very distinct "hats to wear"...

IANAA and so on.

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Re: [GNC] Should one use Accounts Payable if a vendor is paid immediately ?

2022-11-28 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 28 November 2022 11:19:56 GMT Stan Brown wrote:
> On 2022-11-27 19:37, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > Personally, I use the Description field for *all* of my transactions as
> > a Payor/Payee line. Actual descriptive info I put in the Notes and/or
> > Memo fields.
> > 
> > In that case, I can simply run a Transaction Report filtered on the name
> > of the Payor/Payee and see the desired activity.
> The trouble with that is that the text fields aren't validated. It's
> fine if you never, ever, make a typo; but I'm not perfect. If I make a
> typo in an account name, I know it immediately and can fix it. But if I
> mistype "Some Vendor" as "SomeVendor" or "Some Vendoir" I may not
> notice, and then any report that filters on Description will be incomplete.

I'd respectfully suggest that Autofill is your friend here; Typos in the Payee  
should be fairly hard (but not impossible; your point is certainly taken!) to 
get into place, once you are on more than one txn to any given vendor.


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Re: [GNC] Accounts for UK Vat need updating since the UK left the European Union

2022-11-22 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 22 November 2022 12:38:52 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> One of the account types I can select in GnuCash is UK VAT records. There
> are bits in there about "EU Reverse VAT Purchase" and "All, including zero
> rate UK/EU and World  (Box 1)" These have no longer relevant as the UK left
> the European Union (EU), and the EU is treated no differently from anywhere
> else outside the UK.

>From my limited grasp of the UK VAT system, ISTR that the boxes on the VAT 
return that used to refer to "trade with the EU" now refer to "Trade with 
Northern Ireland"

Maybe the accounting structures should remain, but reflect the "current" NI  
protocol I really don't know what that is "on the ground", it is a long 
time since I had a NI customer!


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Re: [GNC] Help please. Upgraded from 2.3.4 to 4.12. Worked fine. But database does not load. Win 11.

2022-10-20 Thread Maf. King
Just an observation, from the depths of history...

IIRC, 2.3.x I think was a development series; unstable and for bug testing and 
so on, and for "expert" users only  (ie not me)

it feels to me that having that running on win11 is unlikely, I'm not even 
sure that 2.3 release were for windows - if they were available then they 
would have been some of the very first releases of GC on winXP. 

I am pretty sure that if 2.3.4 was installed by the OP, then the GC database 
would be in XML not SQL and so the usually auto-created backup files should 
have been made and might be lurking in a corner of a hard disk?


On Thursday, 20 October 2022 06:52:54 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Unlikely, but you might get lucky. (You really don't have *any* backup
> at all? Really? You've been using a decades old version of GnuCash and
> you never make backups?)
> Note, the GnuCash file, by default unless you changed it, is a
> compressed XML file. Uncompressed, it is just plain text and human
> readable. (albeit in a markup language) How the file is arranged has
> changed over the years, but the raw data should still be there.
> As for 'developing a problem afterwards' it could be that GnuCash is
> proceeding with data migration in the background, but it may have gotten
> hung up on something, or it is just really taking a long time.
> As David noted, running from the command line, or getting a Trace File
> might shed some light as to what is going on.
> You *might* get lucky by removing 4.12, going back to 2.3.4, then
> proceeding as I outlined, *but* be darned sure to MAKE A COPY of your
> file before doing so!
> Honestly, I'd go the route David suggested first to get some output and
> then report back here what you get.
> Also, what do you mean by 'blank screen'? Can you take a screenshot and
> attach it in a reply? (do not paste in-line, it needs to be attached)
> Maybe do that FIRST, and then once we see what you see, we can advise
> further.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 10/19/22 10:13 PM, Rosepetals wrote:
> > I don’t have a backup of the 2.3.4 database. Is there a way to recover
> > data
> > from the current 4.12 database?
> > 
> > Also why does Gnucash work fine after the database upgrade but then
> > develop
> > a fault afterwards?
> ___
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Re: [GNC] rounding of Invoice vs Accounts Receivable

2022-10-18 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 18 October 2022 14:34:34 BST Etienne wrote:

> I think for the time being that manual entry in the ledger correcting the
> 1ct will have to do. Hopefully GNC will have some option down the line for
> this.

Unless things have changed in recent versions of GC, that is not the solution, 
IIRC, you should not manually edit anything in the AR or AP registers.

what I do is add a line to the GC invoice before posting - something like

VAT rounding errorTo Account is the VAT account0.01  

hope that makes sense, and if I'm wrong about the manual edit to the register, 
am very happy to be corrected!


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Re: [GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 231, Issue 55

2022-06-23 Thread Maf. King
Off the top of my head, I don't recall exactly.

I _think_, aside from bad debt,  I handled vendor discounts and credit notes 
in this way, before GC became more elegant in that way.


On Wednesday, 22 June 2022 02:21:31 BST Eric Hammond wrote:
> Thank you David, Derek and Maf,
> That works good enough, since I don't expect to need it much.
> Maf, I am interested in what other situations this is needed.
> There were no intended graphics (or?) attached. It may be my Outlook adding
> a background
> Thanks again,
> Eric
> -Original Message-
> From: gnucash-user  On
> Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2022
> 5:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: gnucash-user Digest, Vol 231, Issue 55
> Send gnucash-user mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
> "Re: Contents of gnucash-user digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1.  Stock and Stock Prices (Gyle McCollam)
>2.  Thank you for your courtesy (Jim DeLaHunt)
>3.  Help (Eric Hammond)
>4. Re:  Thank you for your courtesy (Chris Graves)
>5. Re:  Help (Derek Atkins)
>6. Re:  Help (Maf. King)
>7. Re:  Help (
>8. Re:  Help (Derek Atkins)
>9. Re:  Help (
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 19:08:23 +
> From: Gyle McCollam 
> To: "" 
> Subject: [GNC] Stock and Stock Prices
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> My statements for stocks show shares and prices per share to 5 decimal
> places.  In GnuCash "Tools/Price Database" it shows the per share price to
> 5 decimal places as well.  However, in the register it shows the shares and
> balance to 5 decimal places as well, but it only shows the price to 4
> decimal places.  I can't find how to change this anywhere.  I would like it
> to show the price in the register to the same 5 decimal places it has it
> recorded to in the price database.  Any help would be appreciated.
> Thank You,
> Gyle McCollam
> Gyle McCollam
><>   email
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 12:35:30 -0700
> From: Jim DeLaHunt 
> To:
> Subject: [GNC] Thank you for your courtesy
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Liz, David T, Gyle, and D:
> (but really everyone contributes)
> Thank you for your courtesy.? Liz, thank you for your work as list
> moderator, and specifically for stepping in when some recent language was
> not acceptable here. The others of you, thank you for apologising, rather
> than lashing out. The result is a more pleasant and more productive email
> list and community.
> I am subscribed to users' mailing lists for other projects, where this sort
> of courtesy is often lacking. Nasty comments are more common. Some
> participants are repeatedly nasty. When someone points out that they are
> violating the community's code of conduct, they do not apologise, and they
> lash out with more nastiness. It is awful.
> And that is one of the reasons why I spend more effort participating here
> rather than there. Thank you.
> Best regards,
>  ??? ?Jim DeLaHunt
> --
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 19:43:14 +
> From: Eric Hammond 
> To: "" 
> Subject: [GNC] Help
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> I was not paid by a client, and have 'written it off', but how do I book it
> in GnuCash? Standard business practice is to post it in to an expense
> account such as 'Bad Debt' or 'Uncollectable'. I have created the account
> 'Expenses:Bad Debt' but GnuCash does not allow me to select it, apparently
> only accepting an asset account.
> Thank you for the help,
> Eric
> --

Re: [GNC] Help

2022-06-21 Thread Maf. King
+1 for Derek's method.  I've done the same in the past for a variety of 


On Tuesday, 21 June 2022 21:35:29 BST Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, June 21, 2022 3:43 pm, Eric Hammond wrote:
> > I was not paid by a client, and have 'written it off', but how do I book
> > it in GnuCash?
> > Standard business practice is to post it in to an expense account such as
> > 'Bad Debt' or 'Uncollectable'.
> > I have created the account 'Expenses:Bad Debt' but GnuCash does not allow
> > me to select it, apparently only accepting an asset account.
> The way I have done it myself (as the original author of the biz features)
> was to process the payment as if I was paid, but then change the
> transaction from Asset:Bank to Expense:WriteOff.  So long as you don't
> change the *amount* of the payment (or other numerical values) then this
> won't break or affect anything in the internal references.
> Hope this helps!
> > Thank you for the help,
> > 
> > Eric
> > 
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek
> PS: I'm sorry your client didn't pay you.

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Re: [GNC] register description field width

2022-05-26 Thread Maf. King
The "descritption" field will auto-enlarge to fill the window space.  Reduce 
width of your GC window, and then double-click the description header?


On Thursday, 26 May 2022 05:11:14 BST Kevin T via gnucash-user wrote:
> I have found how to make the fonts large enough to read through inspection
> of the mailing list history.  it is now 14pt. This is great but now the
> gnucash window has to be almost, 80% of my screen width.  70% of that width
> is due to the width of the description field.   through the mailing lists I
> have found that double clicking the vertical bars between the fields will
> adjust them to the width of the data.  It works for all but the description
> field.  This field behaves as if there is an extra 200 spaces attached to
> the end of each entry.  Trying to pull the right hand vertical bar will
> move the header, temporarily, but the field width remains the same. Is
> there some way to hard code, force, change the width of the description
> field?
> Kevin
> ___
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Re: [GNC] reports

2022-03-06 Thread Maf. King
H Chuck.

use the "control" button  (on windows & linux, not sure which one it is on a 
mac) when you click of the child account names.


On Sunday, 6 March 2022 03:36:24 GMT Chuck wrote:
> I am sorry but I do not understand how to select multiple accounts & some
> of tier daughters & leave out everything else in the report
> Chuck

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Re: [GNC] How can I fudge a quotation in GnuCash and convert it to invoice if accepted?

2021-12-29 Thread Maf. King
just a thought.  Create the Quote outside GC, then iff the quote is accepted, 
import into GC?  ISTR that it may be possible to CSV import an invoice?

Best wishes for 2022,

On Wednesday, 29 December 2021 13:00:30 GMT Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Dec 2021 at 03:41, Adrien Monteleone <
>> wrote:
> > I thought the document number was assigned on creation, but I'd have to
> > verify. (you can't delete an invoice for example, and you'd have to
> > change the number to something like 'use next' if you made an error
> > creating it)
> If the invoice can not be deleted before posting, that would probably mean
> it is unsuitable for use in the UK, as I believe invoice numbers have to be
> created sequentially.  One should *not* have invoice numbers of 1, 2, 4, 7
> etc.
> > The Business Features originally were created by a dev for their own
> > limited use case. Some UI improvements and bug fixes have been made over
> > the years, but the functionality hasn't really been expanded much for
> > some time. (I think Credit Notes being added was the last major change
> > and that was way back in 2.4.x or early 2.6.x)
> The user interface is obviously important, but the lack of some basic
> functionality is annoying.
> The other thing that I would like (support for crypto currencies) is
> something that I expect I could easily add to the source code myself. But
> there’s no way I could add the invoice/proforma invoice, is not something
> that I am going to be able to do.
> I will have a look around and see if other open-source software that might
> meet my needs better.
> I think the ability to convert a quotation into an invoice, *and also to a
> proforma invoice*, is pretty is pretty important.
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> Dave

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Re: [GNC] UK - Making tax digital

2021-11-19 Thread Maf. King
Yes, I have been using an inbuilt GC report to generate the VAT numbers into a 
CSV file, and linking that into a (commercial) spreadsheet bridge to actually 
file VAT since the first wave of MTD happened a few years ago.

The spreadsheet is called something like "fileMyVatReturn", is in ODS or Excel 
format and you pay a fee to them each time you submit a return.  This is not 
an endorsement of that product, nor do I have any relationship other than 
satusfied customer, but I have not had a problem with it.

I'll dig out a link for the spreadhseet bridge if popular search engines fail!


On Friday, 19 November 2021 17:52:01 GMT mcmurchy1917techy via gnucash-user 
> Hi all
> In the UK, from April 2022, all VAT registered companies are going to have
> to submit their tax returns receipts electronically.
> Some while back there was a discussion here on how that can be done.
> is there anyone that's managed to achieve this and still use gnucash?
> Alex
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Re: [GNC] How do you do this - differentiate scheduled transaction versus no scheduled one

2021-10-15 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 14 October 2021 15:19:03 BST Kalpesh Patel wrote:

> 1 - My habits when it comes to payments for example credit card, mortgage,
> other bills, etc. is to scheduled it out in advance from the appropriate
> institutions that hold my bank accounts, such as checking, savings, etc. at
> a future date but within due date. In the sub-account register for the bank
> account, I like to some-how want to be able to differentiate that I have
> already scheduled up a transaction versus other transaction that is needed
> to be scheduled out. 


If I careate a transaction in GC (eg to pay a credit card bill) before I have 
it set up with my bank, I use the letters "NSUY"  in the transaction notes/
memo space   (short for Not Set Up Yet) to remind me to create with the bank.   
then those letters can be edited out at some point when I have told the bank 
to pay.   I guess you could use the Num field in the same way.


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Re: [GNC] Default Accounting period permanent change (Ver 4.6 still..)

2021-10-09 Thread Maf. King
Nothing so simple in the UK the HMRC annual period ends on 5th April each 

Not the most obvious date, I know. AIUI, It is all to to with a legacy from 
the Roman Empire, with Popes and Kings who thought they were more in charge in 
the year 15-so and so.  (or maybe 13-so and so)


On Saturday, 9 October 2021 13:37:22 BST Doug wrote:
> Thanks Alan. Yes, knew that. I am certainly no accountant, but manage to
> bumble along.
>  I think it might be possible to set the defaults in the setup file, but
> honestly have not looked. What I would like is to be able to define the
> Financial Year start/Financial Year end in setup so it always defaults to
> the current financial year ()which in Australia´s case is 1 July to 30
> June).
>  I wonder how many other countries have non-Calendar year Financial years? I
> guess the UK might copy us seeing we seem to copy their laws in our early
> days.
> regards, Doug
> n Sat, 9 Oct 2021 13:32:07 +1100
> Alan Hopkins  wrote:
> > Hi Doug
> > 
> > Nice to hear from another Aussie PCLOS & GNUCash user!
> > 
> > I have the same version of GNC as you (as that's what is in the repo!) - I
> > haven't been using GNC for long but I set the accounting period in the
> > Preferences as Absolute to 1st July 20 to 30 Jun 21 (ie last fin year)
> > and it defaults the reports (Beginning & End of Accounting Period) to the
> > correct dates.  I will need to change that for this fin. year (and those
> > that follow) as it is an absolute setting but I don't see that as
> > problem.
> > 
> > Another alternative would be to set the dates in the Report Options and
> > then save that report configuration so when you use it the report has the
> > default settings you want.
> > 
> > But I guess you know all the above being a long-time GNC user!
> > 
> > My thanks to the GNUCash gurus, facilitators & fixers - GNC is a terrific
> > resource!!
> > 
> > Cheers
> > 
> > Hop
> > 
> > On 9/10/21 10:25, Doug wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > >  has anyone changed the default accounting period in the reports window?
> > >  Currently they are set to 1 Jan to 31 Dec. Australian Tax year is 1
> > >  July to 30 June.
> > >  
> > >  I know I can set them report by report, but it would be nice to change
> > >  the defaults.
> > >  
> > >  I am currently using ver 4,6 on Linux (PCLinuxOS, which I have been
> > >  using for years & love!)> > 
> > > regards, Doug (Long time Gnucash user & appreciator!)

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Re: [GNC] Cash Accounting Method

2021-09-12 Thread Maf. King
Just £0.02 that came to mind upon reading your message, Steve.

If you are on Cash basis, then (strictly speaking) there is no need to ever 
have A/P or A/R accounts and ageing in your books.  If you want to create your 
invoices in GC, have you considered trying a workflow whereby you do not post 
your invoices into GC until the actual payment date?  I think you will still 
be able to "print" invoices from GC, but the reporting will be fully cash 

Or, of course, you could create your invoices outside of GC (Writer, Calc 
etc), and just treat them as simple (ie non-invoice) txns in GC, on the 
relevant date - though I appreciate this may be doubling the data entry.

As I said, this is just £0.02, and it may not work for you in practice I 
will add that I managed to make GC do Accrual basis using the last version 
before the business subsystems were written (by Derek - about v1.6, IIRC), so 
it doesn't seem to me correct to suggest that GC "can't" do cash basis, as 
that was default behaviour in the early days.


On Sunday, 12 September 2021 00:39:30 BST Steve Morrow wrote:
> I spent much of today evaluating GnuCash for use with my U.S. based small
> business. I found it to be robust in its functions.
> Unfortunately, it only supports the accrual accounting method (income and
> expense recognized when invoiced or billed).  My business uses cash
> accounting method (income and expense recognized at time of receipt or
> payment).
> I highly recommend an enhancement to add an accounting method option for
> accrual or cash method.
> This makes a big difference in reporting!
> Steve Morrow
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Re: [GNC] Facing Issue with Vendor Bill

2021-08-01 Thread Maf. King

think of it this way: 

You *did* buy 1 x "job", which was worth 9,000.  1x9k = 9k!

if you didn't buy any job, then 0x anyprice  = 0!


On Saturday, 31 July 2021 05:34:46 BST Vinay Deshmukh wrote:
> Dear Derek,
> Thank you so much! It resolved my issue but I didn't get one thing. I have
> selected the Vendor Bill as a Job and we don't write quantities for a job.
> So, can you guide me on this  - why would we add quantity for a job? Can't
> we skip quantity while adding Job Bill? Quantities are fine when we buy
> some product/products.
> Sorry if I am taking your time on this.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Vinay Deshmukh
> Codekul Pvt. Ltd.
> Contact Number - 9767180135
> On Sat, 31 Jul 2021 at 08:48, Derek Atkins  wrote:
> > You have Quantity 0.
> > Set Qty to 1 and try again.
> > 
> > -derek
> > Sent using my mobile device. Please excuse any typos.
> > 
> > On July 30, 2021 11:12:35 PM Vinay Deshmukh 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> >> Actually, I am a new user of GNUCash. I have created a new A/C Payable
> >> account to add Vendor's Bills but I am facing issues like after adding
> >> job
> >> and unit price subtotal is not coming automatically. Because of which
> >> even
> >> after saving the bill & posting the bill liabilities amount showing Zero.
> >> 
> >> Please see the screenshots attached.
> >> 
> >> Thanks & Regards,
> >> Vinay Deshmukh
> >> Codekul Pvt. Ltd.
> >> Contact Number - 9767180135
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> --
> >> ___
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Re: [GNC] Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Tax Self-Assessment

2021-07-28 Thread Maf. King
Hi Mark & Neil.

thanks for highlighting the github repository - looks interesting, I might 
have a play next month..  I've been using a commercial bridgeing spreadsheet 
so far for VAT submission of data from GC, I rather anticipate that the next 
step (which, AIUI, is not for Corp Tax (yet)) for the self-assessment pages 
will allow similar spreadsheet manipulation and submission.  It seems to me 
that they are targetting smaller one-man-band type businesses via the personal 
tax return.

the direction of travel is clear, though!  Digital APIs wherever possible, and 
remove a different sort of digit-al mistake - the fat fingered kind!


On Wednesday, 28 July 2021 12:48:36 BST Neil Campbell wrote:
> Hi Mark
> Thank you for all that background information which I found to be very
> informative. I hear, and agree with, you about the complexity of UK
> Taxation system and the practicality of this, but do wonder how the
> software developers mentioned on HMRC website got MTD status. I expect all
> they did was to get submission of the unadulterated records without year
> end adjustments etc linked to HMRC via their API. I was not aware of the
> HMRC motives, so that was interesting. From what you have said, it may be
> correct to say that the existing P Report would be OK for this automatic
> return. It would just need to be integrated with the HMRC system using
> their API. But I am not a programmer, so I couldn’t do this.
> I have put in an enhancement request for this change and will see what
> happens next. Thank you for your enlightenment.
> Regards.
> Neil
> > On 28 Jul 2021, at 12:24, Mark  wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Neil,
> > 
> > From what I understand, HMRC's stated aim for Making Tax Digital is to
> > reduce errors which cost the government tax money. The general approach
> > consists of (my interpretation): - Making APIs which make it easier for
> > the right information to be submitted. - Requiring that software
> > developers that implement the APIs do so by creating submissions straight
> > out of the raw accounts.  Thus, there is no way for the end user to
> > manipulate the submission data; the data will be accurate (if the
> > accounts are right) and it's harder to defraud the system.
> > 
> > I got to see inside the MTD process as I've implemented the MTD VAT
> > interface for my businesses, taking the account data out of GnuCash. In
> > order to get this approved for production use, I had an interview with an
> > HMRC engineer, shared my screen and showed the solution at work. It was
> > relatively painless, but the interviewer wanted to check that the general
> > approach was right, that there was a legal submission containing required
> > text, and that there was no way for the end user to change the submitted
> > data (other than by editing the accounts).  I shared the code on GitHub,
> > Google for gnucash-uk-vat if anyone is interested.
> > 
> > I would expect that MTD for Corporation Tax submission is going to be
> > along the same lines i.e. a requirement that the corporation tax return
> > is automatically derived from accounting records.  I wonder how that will
> > work in reality: VAT accounting is relatively straightforward - the same
> > accounting approach works in lots of different countries. Corporation Tax
> > is a whole different kettle of fish - there are arcane rules specific to
> > the UK: Depreciation, two ways for getting R relief, and the way
> > profit/loss is shifted between tax years to name a few.
> > 
> > Mark.
> > 
> > > From April 2023, new laws in UK will require all businesses with a gross
> > > income of in excess of £10,000 to keep digital records for Tax returns.
> > > I think that there are already laws in place for record-keeping and
> > > submitting VAT digitally direct to HMRC. I am sure that there must be
> > > thousands of GNUCash users who will be affected.
> > > 
> > > This may seem a long way away, but can one of the developers please
> > > confirm that GNUCash either complies already (I can’t find anything in
> > > the Menu’s that relates to VAT or the collection thereof) or the matter
> > > is in hand and GNUCash will comply before April 2023.
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Re: [GNC] Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Tax Self-Assessment

2021-07-21 Thread Maf. King
Hi Neil,

This seems to be a follow-up doc:

my reading (only quickly) is that if you fill in the property or partnership/
self employed  pages on the SA100 (for more than 10k turnover) then you will 
have to submit quarterly Income Tax summaries *and* a full annual return, all 
digitally.  If it is anything like the VAT approach then GC should prbably 
manage the summaries with a couple of well crafted reportsthe annual 
return might be more steps, though.  It is not a paper process I'm familiar 
with; I don't use those pages in the SA100.  

Presumably, the entire SA100 will go that way eventually - ie digital 

I've checked my GC, the report "Income and GST Statement" has an option to 
produce UK VAT return info.


On Wednesday, 21 July 2021 17:09:38 BST Neil Campbell wrote:
> Hi Maf
> Thanks for your response.
> Have a look at HMRC website for more info:
> an-overview-for-small-businesses-the-self-employed-and-smaller-landlords
> <
> s-an-overview-for-small-businesses-the-self-employed-and-smaller-landlords>
> I am not sure where this was followed up but a few days ago I received an
> email from QuickBooks headlined: Tuesday 27 July, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
> Webinar: MTD for ITSA - prepare now for a stress-free 2023
> Hi Neil,
> Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self-Assessment (known as MTD for ITSA)
> will require all businesses and landlords with gross income in excess of
> £10,000 to keep digital records from April 2023. Although 2023 may seem
> far-off, it’s important to start preparing your practice and clients now.
> GNUCash already provides digital accounting so there is no problem there.
> Perhaps there will be a requirement to submit the quarterly returns
> mentioned in the URL above with direct integration of digital accounts to
> HMRC returns.
> Regarding Digital VAT, I thought that this GST in GNUCash applied only to
> Australian GST. However, HMRC have a webpage saying: HM Revenue & Customs
> English  Newid yr iaith ir GymraegCymraeg
> <
> anguage/cy> Find software for Making Tax Digital for VAT
> GNUCash is not listed in their linked list of 12 Free Accounting software
> packages, so I thought that it didn’t comply.
> If you can find anything else to clarify this, please post to this forum.
> Neil
> > On 21 Jul 2021, at 16:43, Maf. King  wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Neil,
> > 
> > MTD for VAT for turnovers 85k+ (IIRC that is the compulsory reg threshold)
> > is fine and I've been "doing it" that way for a year or two now.   I
> > think the report is called GST report, (but may be mistaken on that,,,)
> > 
> > When you say MTD for Self Assessment, I'm not sure what you mean.  SA is
> > the personal tax return process.  I'm not (yet) aware of the 2023 rule
> > changes you mention.
> > 
> > Maf.
> > 
> > On Wednesday, 21 July 2021 16:30:12 BST Neil Campbell wrote:
> >> From April 2023, new laws in UK will require all businesses with a gross
> >> income of in excess of £10,000 to keep digital records for Tax returns. I
> >> think that there are already laws in place for record-keeping and
> >> submitting VAT digitally direct to HMRC. I am sure that there must be
> >> thousands of GNUCash users who will be affected.
> >> 
> >> This may seem a long way away, but can one of the developers please
> >> confirm
> >> that GNUCash either complies already (I can’t find anything in the Menu’s
> >> that relates to VAT or the collection thereof) or the matter is in hand
> >> and
> >> GNUCash will comply before April 2023.
> >> 
> >> Neil
> >>
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> ___
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Re: [GNC] Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Tax Self-Assessment

2021-07-21 Thread Maf. King
Hi Neil,

MTD for VAT for turnovers 85k+ (IIRC that is the compulsory reg threshold) is 
fine and I've been "doing it" that way for a year or two now.   I think the 
report is called GST report, (but may be mistaken on that,,,)

When you say MTD for Self Assessment, I'm not sure what you mean.  SA is the 
personal tax return process.  I'm not (yet) aware of the 2023 rule changes you 


On Wednesday, 21 July 2021 16:30:12 BST Neil Campbell wrote:
> From April 2023, new laws in UK will require all businesses with a gross
> income of in excess of £10,000 to keep digital records for Tax returns. I
> think that there are already laws in place for record-keeping and
> submitting VAT digitally direct to HMRC. I am sure that there must be
> thousands of GNUCash users who will be affected.
> This may seem a long way away, but can one of the developers please confirm
> that GNUCash either complies already (I can’t find anything in the Menu’s
> that relates to VAT or the collection thereof) or the matter is in hand and
> GNUCash will comply before April 2023.
> Neil
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Re: [GNC] Accounting for GST in Australia

2021-06-22 Thread Maf. King
Are you "posting" the invoices once you've created them?

Check the currencies for the invoice, customer and all the accounts you expect 
to be affected.

Just a couple of thoughts for you.


On Tuesday, 22 June 2021 14:49:16 BST Nathan Ellery wrote:
> Hello Alan Thanks for your reply.
> We are aware of the need to split transactions not entered as bills or
> invoices.
> However, we are entering invoices through the invoicing system within
> Gnucash, and the tax amount shows correctly on the actual invoice entry,
> but the amount of tax is not going to the GST accounts on the chart of
> accounts. How can we check the set-up to determine exactly why this is or
> what do we need to do in order to make the GST go to that account in the
> chart of accounts?
> Appreciate your help on this,
> And thanks Christopher, yes we did read that article but it doesn't seem to
> be working correctly.
> regards Nathan
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 5:23 PM Alan Hopkins  wrote:
> > Hi Nathan
> > Are you using GnuCash to generate your bills & invoices?  If not, when
> > making entries directly into your accounts you won't see the GST
> > automatically.  When entering invoices & bills you need to check the
> > Taxable? & Tax Included? columns
> > Otherwise, when making direct entries to your accounts you need to use
> > "Splits" and add the GST manually.
> > The above may not be clear but once we know more about how you are
> > attempting to do things we might be able to help.
> > Cheers
> > Alan
> > 
> > On 22/6/21 6:17 pm, Christopher Lam wrote:
> > 
> > Welcome Nathan,
> > Have you checked out the
> > following?
> > 
> > On Tue, 22 Jun 2021, 2:59 pm Nathan Ellery, 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > I have recently started using GnuCash and am having difficulty in
> > attributing GST to the GST accounts as set up in the chart of accounts. I
> > have included the relevant posting accounts in the tax table area, but new
> > entries aren't picking up the GST amount. What am I missing? Do you need
> > to
> > see screen shots of my setup to verify what I am experiencing?
> > best regards
> > Nathan Ellery
> > Building designer
> > Grandesign Pty Ltd 
> >  m: 0417 951575
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