Would be sad to see you go. But it's up to you. Instructions here:

On Thu, Feb 27, 2020, 7:59 PM DJ Shiva <djsh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> "She could have been any of the 100+ genders she probably believes in and
> it wouldn’t matter.  "
> Mmmmhmmmm, sure Jan. You tell me everything I need to know about your
> attitude toward gender right there.
> For the love of my sanity will someone unsubscribe me from this list?
> Lisa
> http://www.noncompliantmusic.com
> http://www.soundcloud.com/noncompliant1
> --------------------------------------------------------
> "Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I
> can hear her breathing." - Arundhati Roy
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 2:58 PM Joe Marougi <jmaro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Appreciate the reply Jodie,
>> I’m gonna go out on what I feel is not too far of a limb by saying you’re
>> probably the only one here that sees her “apologies” as not being
>> backhanded.
>> Please don’t deflect by trying to bring in women’s voices etc because
>> that’s not the point we are discussing.  She could have been any of the
>> 100+ genders she probably believes in and it wouldn’t matter.
>> If you can’t see that most here are doing their best to “tolerate” her
>> then I don’t now what to tell you.
>> We shouldn’t have to barely tolerate anyone here.  Especially if they are
>> not at least warned to change their tone.
>> Speaking of Rick, spoke to him today about a conversation around a 3
>> chairs party here in SF.
>> Has everyone here bought my new release yet??
>>  :-)
>> On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 11:42 AM U&I Design <uandidesigndetr...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I havent chimed in yet, but seeing Joe's email has prompted me to.
>>> "We tried to respond respectfully at first..." Sorry, but I didn't see
>>> in the emails to Denise that there was much respect being given, not at the
>>> start or throughout.
>>> She did apologize for how she reacted and people have continued to go
>>> after her.  As for the comment that "if she was a guy she would've been
>>> removed long ago" I have to disagree.  I love Tom Cox and I loved the
>>> heated debates he used to get in.  Him and I had a few as well. I never got
>>> so touchy that I thought he should be removed from the list. Those threads
>>> and debates back then pushed the envelope much farther than any of the
>>> emails I saw by her did.  And in reality, there have been more emails
>>> discussing this than there were that caused this discussion to begin.
>>> Her contribution to the music is undeniable and rather than just write
>>> her off as being hostile, maybe everyone should take stock as to why and
>>> what pushed her to become hostile in the first place.
>>> Removing someone that has contributed as much to the musuc as she has
>>> would be a shame.
>>> Just my 2 cents.  And Joe, I'm pretty sure Marcellus and Rick would
>>> agree with me on this one.  They love the voices of strong opinionated
>>> women in the scene as much as I do.
>>> *Jodie
>>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2020, 15:41 Joe Marougi <jmaro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> So I guess there’s the “two wrongs don’t make a right” argument vs “we
>>>> tried to reply respectfully at first but she keeps replying with hostility
>>>> while trying to justify her tone”
>>>> What I replied earlier that wasn’t copied here in the group was asking
>>>> why Kent would risk losing many for the sake of accommodating one.  Makes
>>>> no sense whatsoever.  There are unwritten rules of conduct in each scenario
>>>> which she’s clearly in violation of.
>>>> Lastly I feel that if she was a dude she’d have been 86’d by now (or at
>>>> least on a last warning regarding her tone).
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> attention:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> https://undergroundandblack.com/
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> And it's clear there's a lot of emotional upset and personal
>>>>> issues
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> that have spilled onto the list.  I don't want to say that's
>>>>> not
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> appropriate content, but it should be in the context that
>>>>> we're a group of
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> friends, widely dispersed geographically, with something in
>>>>> common.. So keep
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> in mind you're talking to a friend, and they deserve respect
>>>>> even if you
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> disagree with them.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>>>> Denise Dalphond, Ph. D.
>>>>> >>>>>>> ethnomusicologist
>>>>> >>>>>>> schoolcraftwax.work
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>> Denise Dalphond, Ph. D.
>>>>> >>>>> ethnomusicologist
>>>>> >>>>> schoolcraftwax.work
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> --
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Lerato Khathi
>>>>> >>>> http://uzurirecordings.com
>>>>> >>>> http://uzuriartistbookingsandmanagement.com
>>>>> >>>> http://soundcloud.com/uzuri
>>>>> >>>> Skype : Lakuti
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>> --
>>>>> >> Denise Dalphond, Ph. D.
>>>>> >> ethnomusicologist
>>>>> >> schoolcraftwax.work
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >--
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Lerato Khathi
>>>>> >http://uzurirecordings.com
>>>>> >http://uzuriartistbookingsandmanagement.com
>>>>> >http://soundcloud.com/uzuri
>>>>> >Skype : Lakuti
>>>>> >

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