er and me...

:And mine too:
:> My tuppeny worth
:I thought the film was almost awful. I'm glad they cut it down. God only
:knows why such a lumbering primary school plot originally required over two
:and half hours.

i guess its due to the fact that this was pretty early in the history of
films and so there is quite a lot of 'dead air' so the film could be
considerably shortened b y simply editing it a lot tighter to be more like
modern films.

:The feeble grasp of Marxism (in the 1920s for God's sake!)
:is bad enough, never mind the saccharine "love conquers all" resolution.

i would agree the ending is a little naive but why should lang have to make
a marxist film simply because it is the 20s? while the film is about workers
it does not mean it has to be a marxist film (in fact the fact the workers
uprising was essentially a failure would suggest this was not langs intent.)

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