----- Original Message -----
From: "Kent williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Neil Wallace" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 10:26 AM
Subject: RE: [313] Metropolis @ Royal Festival Hall

> And this is verging even MORE off topic, but most movies from the 20s
> and 30s seem really strangely edited to modern ideas.  Last Xmas I got
> sucked into watching 'It's a Wonderful Life' and it dawned on me that
> Frank Capra was one of the very first directors to find a really fluid,
> brisk, editing style.  Even Charlie Chaplin's silent features seem
> slow and choppy by comparison

Getting even more off-topic, I'm fairly certain that the filimic ideas born
in Russia following D.W. Griffith weren't widely available/accepted by the
rest of the world at that point, especially as America and Germany were very
much doing their own things. The editing advancements of Lev Kuloshov and
Sergei Eisenstein from the teens and twenties were the really revolutionary
moments in the history of editing, and I'm fairly certain it took until at
least the '30s for the rest of the world to catch up (possibly to even see
these movies for the first time???), especially as the advent of sound and
then color overshadowed their accomplishments. Forgive if any details are
wrong - I haven't studied this stuff in a while...

One of my film professors used to rant about how we don't really know what
film editing could've become if it weren't for sound. So much
experimentation with pacing was going on back then. I had to sit through a
completely silent version of Potempkin (ie, no accompanying soundtrack at
all). It was amazing how difficult it was to focus despite the innovative
editing. *Any* music would have helped. :) Anything pre-1930 really takes
some effort to get into, especially when we're bombarded with MTV-style
editing all the time now. Think of it like trying to listen to someone's
early works as they just start to fiddle with techno. :)

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