-> They know they've lost and the only way is to prosecutes 
-> individuals - last
-> tactic - fear. 
-> 19 billion lost vs 1.25 made, my accountant would say that's 
-> NOT a fair
-> amount.

We're way off topic now (i'll be on topic by the end of this mail so
bear with me). The losses the companies attribute to piracy/p2p internet
downloads are way off target anyway, this (19billion) is probably a RIAA

For example, typically RIAA say that a duplication factory containing 10
8x speeed duplicators is equivalent to a dupliaction factory with 80 cd
duplicators. They get figures from that. Their figures for p2p stuff are
also similarly skewed. They are playing a political game and need big
figures to persuade governments to do something.

I don't believe what the RIAA say and i thought you'd have trouble
swallowing it too.

-> What I said is kids don't care, and with big money to be 
-> made, it aint some
-> fat geeky kid who's making the bucks in the playground fella.

Not sure what you mean by this but since when have kids cared? Kids
didn't care in the 70s when "home taping is killing music" stickers were
all over the place, the big players then came out with CD to rip us off
with. Now they've wringed all they can out of that particular
technology, they've just resurrected the home taping monster in the form
of the internet and blamed the loss in sales of their mediocre product
on that.....just in time for internet downloads. The RIAA/music industry
just needed the media furure against illegal p2p to get the government
to allow them to go after ISPs/individuals. Fear works, our culture is
based on it.

You are right though, there is big money to be made and there is no way
the RIAA are going to let that slip. As much as the concept of free
music appeals to my anachistic side i can't see it happening for any
length of time.

Question: when you pay to set up the Dust Club label download site
(servers, ISP, bandwidth, all the credit card links etc etc) will you be
happy with just say 10 downloads and then seeing the releases all over
the p2p networks for nowt. In some sense you could write that off as
promotional losses but it isn't sustainable is it?

And now we're almost back on topic as this applies to many of the labels
that have a prescence on this list that might be considering digital


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