10/2/04 1:15 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED]@uk.pwc.com

>> Kids are cool with it and they don't give a frig about all the gubbings,
>> kinda like my old man moaning about having to buy CD's - it's over...As
> cool
>> as I think records are the next generation don't care and you won't make
>> them either...
> I reckon I'm not that sure about that.
> I think that a lot of kids still buy cd's and will continue to do so. My
> mates kids download stuff from the net, but still save their pocket money
> to buy cd's with. I also think that within the next generation of kids,
> there will be some that want to buy records. There will be some kids out
> there who get capitivated just as we did, and want the record. My mate
> works in a shop in Manchester, and you see new kids becoming regular
> customers all the time.

Single sales are now the lowest they have ever been, in fact I was in a
studio last week and the first thing they knocked out wasn't a rough mix, it
was a fcuking ringtone!

> but, I might have read you wrong, I guess in general the majority won't,
> but I think there'll still be a niche market. Also, I know lads who are mad
> for buying northern soul 7's - they're no older than me, but they were from
> a later generation of soul buyers, kind of the same thing.

This will always be the way but its not how the mass market works I'm
afraid, you can't force people at gun point...

>well your kids are cool with it because it's free (and seen as
>rebellious) at the moment. when the music industry have all this locked
>down (and let's face it they are getting there) and people are paying 15
>quid (usual CD price) to download just data then they may face some

Disagree, they don't know any different and more to the point they don't
really care - tough but that's the way they are. They don't see it as
rebellion at all - they don't give a toss about it - they don't even think
about it.

One album or 15 Albums on a Dvd for a fiver - which one do you think they go

As much as it pains me, we just have to move on...


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