>This will always be the way but its not how the mass market works I'm
>afraid, you can't force people at gun point...

well, yeah, I was making the point that I think there will still be kids
buying stuff coming through, I didnt mean in a mass-market kind of sense.
I'm talking about it in relevance to us/the list. and, while numbers will
obviously diminish as time goes on, there will always be people who want
records, or cd's of this music.

>Disagree, they don't know any different and more to the point they don't
>really care - tough but that's the way they are. They don't see it as
>rebellion at all - they don't give a toss about it - they don't even think
>about it.

this wasnt in reply to my comment, but I think you're generalising a whole
generation. There's as many people of our generation who couldnt give a
toss either, a copied tape or cd is more than enough for them - or just
listening to the radio. Of course the majority of kids are like this - but,
what I was trying to say is that within that generation, there's a new
generation of kids who will care about music as a passion as we do.
admittedly, its a really tiny minority, but it always has been a tiny
majority. and rest assured the large scale music industry will find a way
to sell their products to the kids and collect the revenues. whether this
is via mp3 or whatever downloadable format, or via a hard copy of
something, I have no idea, but they'll still be consuming it and paying for


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