-> >well your kids are cool with it because it's free (and seen as
-> >rebellious) at the moment. when the music industry have all 
-> this locked
-> >down (and let's face it they are getting there) and people 
-> are paying 15
-> >quid (usual CD price) to download just data then they may face some
-> >resistance.
-> Disagree, they don't know any different and more to the 
-> point they don't
-> really care - tough but that's the way they are. They don't see it as
-> rebellion at all - they don't give a toss about it - they 
-> don't even think about it.
-> One album or 15 Albums on a Dvd for a fiver - which one do 
-> you think they go
-> for.

you're not disagreeing with me, at the moment it's like this and in a
year or so they'll have shut down any way to get mainstream music from
P2P networks and sony will be selling you your Dizzee Rascal CD via
their CocaCola branded site as Windows media files for 15 quid....

-> As much as it pains me, we just have to move on...

well i might agree with you there but the point is that vinyl/dj
culture, whilst approaching mainstream over the last few years, doesn't
quite conform to the mainstream point of view. so when we move on it may
be to a different place to where the mainstream moves on to.


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