>Kids are cool with it and they don't give a frig about all the gubbings,
>kinda like my old man moaning about having to buy CD's - it's over...As
>as I think records are the next generation don't care and you won't make
>them either...

I reckon I'm not that sure about that.
I think that a lot of kids still buy cd's and will continue to do so. My
mates kids download stuff from the net, but still save their pocket money
to buy cd's with. I also think that within the next generation of kids,
there will be some that want to buy records. There will be some kids out
there who get capitivated just as we did, and want the record. My mate
works in a shop in Manchester, and you see new kids becoming regular
customers all the time.
but, I might have read you wrong, I guess in general the majority won't,
but I think there'll still be a niche market. Also, I know lads who are mad
for buying northern soul 7's - they're no older than me, but they were from
a later generation of soul buyers, kind of the same thing.


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