10/2/04 3:49 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> -> They know they've lost and the only way is to prosecutes
> -> individuals - last
> -> tactic - fear.
> -> 
> -> 19 billion lost vs 1.25 made, my accountant would say that's
> -> NOT a fair
> -> amount.

This is a figure from a independent professional report, available from
Andersons for 30K if your interested - do you not believe anything dude? I
give up...

> Question: when you pay to set up the Dust Club label download site
> (servers, ISP, bandwidth, all the credit card links etc etc) will you be
> happy with just say 10 downloads and then seeing the releases all over
> the p2p networks for nowt. In some sense you could write that off as
> promotional losses but it isn't sustainable is it?
> And now we're almost back on topic as this applies to many of the labels
> that have a prescence on this list that might be considering digital
> distribution.

You have to be honest, how the hell do you control it - answer you can't.
I'll just ask people to be as honest as they can be and help support the
label and the artist.


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