10/2/04 2:34 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> -> Thing is, most aren't paying for it - now that it's
> -> software, its wide open
> -> and no amount of encryption or copyright protection will
> -> save them - people
> -> aren't paying, fact...
> 12 months ago i'd have agreed with you there martin. at this point in
> time tho i'm not sure the big players have lost this battle. i mean look
> at the success of iTMS. granted the kids out there who are tech-savvy
> enough to go illegal p2p might still continue (like people ripping
> copies of CDs and us lot taping lps as kids) but the majority of people
> just want the easy fix and are willing to pay a fair amount (60p a tune
> on iTMS)...

Crikey do I have to post up the whole of the 990 page report :)

Your not agreeing with me - I guess Sony, Universal, Warners and EMI are
wrong then!They should have just said so, would have saved me sometime :)

They know they've lost and the only way is to prosecutes individuals - last
tactic - fear. 

19 billion lost vs 1.25 made, my accountant would say that's NOT a fair

What I said is kids don't care, and with big money to be made, it aint some
fat geeky kid who's making the bucks in the playground fella.

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