> seems you agree with /0 then.....

wtf? he's saying techno music is far too simple to interest classical
musicians, i just pointed out that 1. a modern day mozart provides
proof otherwise and 2. techno is more rhythmically complex than
classical 3. he's mirroring the cultural elitism of widely discredited
and criticized prejudiced white guys from the 40's.

> for what it's worth, i view the classical-techno crossover
> thing with some suspicion and i find the results a tad
> amusing, like a novelty or a gimmick. i get the idea that

doesn't that apply to any time artists established in one genre step
into a pretty different one? has nothing to do with the results, more
your pre-conceived notions

> (this is obviously just my opinion so i'm not trying to push
> it as fact)


anybody who thinks tom is just another troll should read his musical
writings on his blog or check his mixes. he talks a lot of bs but he's
pretty good at explaining it and it comes from a seriously intense
music lover...

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