I once had two job candidates interview before a panel of about 6 of us for the 
same job at the same time.  That was FUN!

Talk about competition!

Then we hired both of them.  Had already decided to hire both of them before 
the meeting, but was feeling a bit sporting that day.  

From: CBB - Jay Fuller 
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 3:22 AM
To: af@afmug.com 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] installer hire / training process.

I've always enjoyed hearing about the competition type programs at WISPA shows. 
 Layne Sisk has one at Serverplus and some of the larger WISPS have them.  I 
wish we had enough employees to do something like that.  We have 3 or 4 
installers now but they work as teams (or alone), so it isn't really fair to 
"judge them against one another..."

  And I personally, just my opinion, believe it is a cultural thing.  I’m not 
looking down on anyone by saying that, just stating that the modern generation 
has been taught that there are more shortcuts than there are challenges to face 
and build character.  I’ve also seen it with my own eyes as I have 4 young 
children.  The things they teach kids now, and the way they teach them, is way 
different than what I was raised to know, and even more disconnected from our 
fathers and their fathers before them.  Every generation will have the youthful 
ones, but I think the current youthful generation is being raised in a world 
where they are taught everyone gets a trophy or nobody does, and that hurts the 
employer, because you no longer have people competing for position and pride, 
instead you have groups of folks getting together saying, hey, Dan makes $15, 
we ALL should make $15.... but Dan does more..... Yeah, but Dan is my equal 
because we share the same title, and therefor should share the same pay..... 
but Dan has also been here for 5 years, you just started....... I don’t care, 
Dan and I work right next to each other, and I deserve the same benefits he 
has.... guarantee that argument has been had by many business owners lately 
with at least one employee.  Not trying to start a long drawn out debate about 
the youth or culture, just giving an example of what I’ve personally seen in 
our area.


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