El dj 17 de 11 de 2011 a les 10:36 +0100, en/na Kevin Brubeck Unhammer
va escriure:
> Felipe Sánchez Martínez
> <fsanc...@dlsi.ua.es> writes:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I think the task
> >
> > "find X rules for how to translate words with more than one possible 
> > translation"
> >
> > could be misunderstood as they could mixed lexical selection problems 
> > with part-of-speech ambiguity problems. I see graduate students doing 
> > so, every year.
> Agree … perhaps a link to http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Ambiguity in the
> description would be enough? I'm not sure there's a shorter way of
> saying it if you don't already know the concepts.

Nice work!


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