Zhukov Pavel wrote:
> On 11/7/07, *James Rayner* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     On Wed, November 7, 2007 21:11, Zhukov Pavel wrote:
>      >
>      > 1) I know about Arch-Way.
>      >
>      > 2)  Arch starts to accelerate developing process and growing up
>      > repositories, however Devs/TUs count aren't growing - this way it
>     becomes
>      > more and more unstable.
>      >  Arch can be small but stable instead of big and unusable, since
>     we have
>      > limited numbers of Devs.
>     Um. The group has skyrocketed in the last year, what are you talking
>     about.
>      > 4) Pacman developers do strange things deaning DB-backends and
>     continue to
>      > develop ugly and very slow plaintext DB.
>     The db isn't that slow at all. Patches are welcome otherwise.
>      > 5) As i write above, arch devs now are growing up arch repos, but
>      > dependency
>      > problem still not resolved - e.g. most of resent problems can't
>     be exists
>      > in
>      > rpm distros since it updates will be deny by package manager.
>     What do you mean? What dependency problems? Quit with the generics.
> Ok, example. I have octave and octaveforge installed.
> if any of curl, gnuplot, coreutils... updated with .sobump it stop to 
> work, cause it linked with old libs version.
> Sometime it updates after several days in repos. So, every time i should 
> rebuild it manually.
> Why? Can't we create the rule "package _should_ be tested and _all_ 
> packages depends on it _should_ be rebuilded before it going to 
> core/extra/community."
> ?

Why didn't you post a bugreport for that?

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