In a message dated 11/20/2007 5:41:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

The  decision regarding RBR had minimal impact on other school  districts.

Not so minimal if you worked, as I did, at one of the schools  which lost 
students to RBR during the 1990's declining enrollment period.   The additional 
loss of students who wanted an enriched arts program  had a ripple effect 
across the curriculum: budgets, staffing, loss of other  elective programs, 
et al.
It may not have been a racial imbalance problem, but it wasn't  minimal.
Unintended consequences: Can't blame parents who wanted full arts  
instruction, or RBR for taking the lead, going against the grain by upgrading  
program rather than cutting it.

In the  worst decision ever made by AP, the Board of Ed turned OT down. So 
they built  their own high school.
That could be.  But I suspect that OT would have eventually  built their own 
school anyway.

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