Phil Leigh;231095 Wrote: 
> To SatoriGFX:
> What I believe doesn't matter - what I hear does. The stock unit
> interfered with my AM radio - so it had to go. The replacement doesn't
> interfere. I cannot HEAR any difference using the SB digital out. It
> sounds equally good using either supply in that mode.
> So my conclusion - and of course YMMV - is that the stock supply
> interferes with AM radio but has no other audible effects, positive or
> negative, in my system.
> Seems my experiences are the same as Ron F.

I don't doubt your experiences.  And I am not saying that in all cases
an upgraded PSU will improve the sound.  But this comment by Tyler:

"An external supply can't eliminate the noise from the internal

suggested that using an external linear supply would provide absolutely
no benefit since the internal supply was a switcher.  It's like saying
upgraded power cords are a waste because they do nothing to change the
wiring inside your walls.  Yet, my experience is that upgraded power
cords can make a difference, though not always for the better.  I
always thought it was a given that eliminating as much RF noise as you
can was a good thing.  Apaprently, some people disagree.  Now, maybe
their systems simply aren't that sensitive to RF noise or they can't
hear the effects of it on their systems for whatever reasons.  I don't
know.  Maybe other sources of RF noise exists in their homes that mask
any benefits that could be had by using a linear supply.  Or maybe this
whole RF noise paranoia is juts that.

It's entirely possible, in systems other than your own, that an
upgraded linear PSU could have an effect on the sound, even through the
digital output.

I don't really care either way.  I have no vested interest.  I don't
even use my Squeezebox now that I have a CEC belt drive transport.  I
still might try the upgraded PSU to see if it lifts the Squeezebox to
the level of my CEC but I highly doubt it will.

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