DRSonusFaber;332704 Wrote: 
> So I decided to go with the duet first.  Like a fool, I spent a morning
> driving around to every computer/stereo store in my area, only to find
> that no one carries it, or knows much about it.  Discouraged, I came
> home and ordered it from Amazon.  It's out for delivery now!  
> Thanks for everyone for their input (although the conversations about
> the error correction are a bit over my head at the moment, I'm glad I
> got the exposure).  I chose the duet becuase everyone that had it
> seemed to think it would do the trick with my internal DAC and becuase
> even if I buy the transporter, I'm probably going to want the duet in
> my bedroom or somewhere else.  So I couldn't see it going to waste,
> unless i just hated the product alltogether. but I've read too much to
> believe that i could possibly hate this product.
> I also started looking at storage options, becuase it's clear that i
> need to reburn everything in Flac, and then keep iTunes separate - if I
> keep it at all.  i'll have to look into rockbox.  I was going to run
> squeezecenter on my laptop, but it's looking like i'm going to use a
> dedicated computer, or look at a compatible NAS option (does anyone run
> squeeze center off of a NAS) if so which one?  Can you only use the
> netgear ready nas?  Or has someone done it on cheaper western digital
> my book drive?  thoughts?  I was also thinking of using an old desktop
> with a usb drive to beef up storage.
> For now i've downloaded squeezecenter, softsqueeze, and musicIp to my
> laptop.  haven't really gotten them to work seamlessly together -
> softsqueeze doesn't seem to support the latest version of squeezecenter
> (but i don't see myself using it when I get the duet, so I don't really
> car). What i do want to get to work is the Music IP - I love the idea
> of mood playlists - are there better ones out there?  
> i do still need to research dbpoweramp and mediamonkey.  But i'm sure
> that'll be the next project.  
> Thanks for all of your help.  I'll keep you posted on my progress as
> i'm sure i'll have more questions.  Thanks again for your input.

I have the SB3 but I think you will be happy with the duet. I also
think that you will be happy with your mp3 or apple files on it.  The
sound quality is very good on both from what I've heard.  Welcome to
the family. Don't get to caught up in the sound quality threads, it all
sounds very good unless you have amazing ears.  Even then I think that
most will say even the duet and sb3 do a great job.



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