duke43j;427428 Wrote: 
> Jitter in the digital world is like noise in the analog world; it's
> everwhere. Every component, including cables, contributes to jitter. You
> can't avoid it. Of course, if you don't reduce jitter from wherever it
> comes from (including cables), you will have problems. My point is that
> if one uses a DAC with an ASRC, jitter from all external sources
> (including cables) should be largely eliminated. So, cables shouldn't be
> an issue unless they are so bad that the input device can't read the
> data at all, in which case you will have dropouts. 
> So to address the original question -- Do I need a reclocker if my DAC
> uses an ASRC?, and a subsequent question -- Do I need expensive cables?
> My opinion on both is "No", because external jitter should not be an
> issue when using a well designed DAC having an asynchronous rate
> converter. 
> I stand by my statement that there is a lot of bad information out
> there regarding this area.

I believe you are correct, however I don't think this is bad
information: http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue43/jitter.htm

This article does make sense, but for me the question remains; just how
audible is "audible?"

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