Phil Leigh;549305 Wrote: 
> There is nothing truly "voodoo" about their approach.

I believe thats the entire sentiment of my last couple of posts.

Phil Leigh;549305 Wrote: 
> ...And I don't agree with your analysis. S/PDIF is problematic ONLY
> because of the practical difficulty of accurately extracting an
> ultra-precise clock signal from the "analogue" representation of the
> bitstream. Assuming a good transport signal, with proper cabling and a
> good enough S/PDIF receiver (+ PSU design) this can be tackled
> effectively.

But its practical difficulty created by the shortcomings of the
protocol. Why create a problem and then go to great lenghts to solve
it, when there are known solutions that avoid it in the first place?

Phil Leigh;549305 Wrote: 
> But you are only looking at transport-induced jitter. There is still
> intrinisc DAC jitter to consider.

Sure. But thats orthogonal to the issues discussed in the last couple
of posts.

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