stop-spinning;604866 Wrote: 
> ...fussiness about not using Wireless ... connection from the Server to
> the SB was TCP/IP which is of course bit perfect 

Phil Leigh;604870 Wrote: 
> There are many things I disagree with Klaus about, but, as you will
> see, this is not a popular standpoint.

In my opinion, the issue is not about bit accuracy. It is about load on
the Touch. This concerns CPU load and general power supply load. I have
resolved the issue by using an external WiFi "bridge" - a WiFi access
point working in reverse order. So connect my Touch with a LAN cable,
to that access point, and the access point connects by WiFi (type N) to
my Router. This has two advantages: I can shut off the WiFi module
inside of the Touch with Klaus' script = less load. And the error
correction of the touch has less work = less load inside of the touch.
Button line: better sound.

However, in my opinion, one the biggest impact I got applying the
newest sw mod of Klaus, the one that shuts off the volume. The
difference is clearly audible, music gets a big step towards being more
realistic, in particular, more precise soundstage and timing, the
"groove" gets more involving. At least in my perception. I am really
happy with it. What exactly is the effect inside the touch, I can't
say... but it brings more fun to me, that's what matters at the end.

So... its not about popularity. I think every one must know for
himself, what are her or his priorities... The most important thing is
that everyone is free to enjoy his equipment the way he likes... So, if
you, Phil, are happy with the Touch's WiFi, nobody will try to tell you,
that you should use Lan - as long as you let me be happy with my
solution :-)

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