Mnyb wrote: 
> But that's a sighted review  ( with no measurements either ) a typical
> end user testimonial ? It's does not provide any information  , because
> the flawed method of testing without catering for normal human
> perceptive biaseses ?
> Was it even level matching ( a basicrequirement ).
> And is this choice of implementations the best one for these 2 DAC and
> what is the Cyrus equipped with ?
> And reading audio gd homepage about the products is full of audiophile
> jargon and weird design decisions ? Makes me wonder .
> And actually no measurement does this guys really do measurements to
> verify design depictions ? It looks like cargo cult tech to me ? So in
> this case maybe there was an audible difference ? But we can't know
> based on a sighted testimony.
> No of these DAC chips are bad real differences if the implementation if
> correctly done would be far beyond us like more than -110 dB below
> output . But I still wonder . But is the audio gd product a good example
> ? I'm still wondering?
> This kind of "review" makes me wonder a lot .
> Please note that quoting  of sighted testimonials does not really prove
> your point .
> . A sighted testing is just a story about what the tester "heard" and
> experienced while using the products ,can be interesting on its own .
> What he's really testing is his own biases .
> In this test it was clear that he had read up about the stuff and had
> clear expectations about what he was about to hear .
> You can't test for subtle things this way where the influences of any
> kind of bias is magnitudes larger that what's tested .
> A final thought what do ESS themself thinks is the current reference
> design using thier chips ? Do they have an example/reference
> implementation ?
> That's how they usually do it as you can't gauge the all the chip
> performance quirks without having it in circuit so they usually build a
> DAC themselfs to test thier own chip and implementation is big so it's a
> factor how hard it is to use for a product designer .
> And this is actually a general case .
> If things have flat frequency response and noise and distortion is down
> by -110 your are not going to hear differences with correct testing
> methods . It can be a DAC and op amp a anything , the character and
> source of distortion does not matter as it so unimaginable small levels
> of it in a good design .
> Is not the audiolab DAC series a good representation of what you do with
> an ESS chip .

Your post seems to go off on non-relevant tangents.

Let me help you focus. This thread is about subjectively ranking chips
based on hearing perceptions. Therefore, unless you can spit out
measurements when sound enters your ears none of your post is related to
this topic. Furthermore, you "feelings" towards Audiogd and its owner
are irrelevant. Note that the designer of Audiogd has won awards and
owns a multimillion dollar company which sells gear all over the world
based on quality, sound and robustness of design. Can you make such a

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