The problem, of course, is about the very subjectivity you want to talk
about.  As anyone with the slightest knowledge about perception and
conclusions knows, direct reported experience can be one of the worst
ways of getting to truth.

It's why "eyewitness" testimony in courts almost always needs to defer
to actual measurements and physical evidence. Multiple witnesses to the
same event can have completely different perceptions of what actually
happened, even while convinced that what they saw (and heard) is
accurate.  They report their "truth" as accurately as they can, but this
"truth" is as often as not simply not really true.  

This goes in spades for contexts where there is gain or benefit to some
party, and observations/perceptions can be shaped through social
influence -- like having one's perceptions taken as serious and valid by
others with similar interests.  In the absence of grounding outside of
"subjective judgment", these kinds of discussions are nothing more than
ramblings.  I was going to use another phrase including the word
"circle", but that would be rude.

If we're going to talk about subjective experience as a valid approach
to getting at what's true, we need to make sure that all the relevant
variables are controlled. This means blind judgments, and all of the
kinds of things that are discussed above.


LMS on a dedicated server (FitPC3)
Transporter (Ethernet) - main listening, Onkyo receiver, Paradigm
Touch (WiFi) - home theater 5.1, Sony receiver, Energy speakers
Boom 1 (WiFi) - work-space
Boom 2 (WiFi) - various (deck, garage, etc.)
Radio (WiFi) - home office
Control - Squeeze Control (Android mobile), 2 Controllers (seldom used),
Squeeze Remote (on Surface Pro 4)
Touch x 1 - spare
UE Radio x 1 - spare
Boom x 1 - spare
Controller x 1 - Spare
Duet Receiver (backup)
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