Mnyb wrote: 
> Mostly hope they seems to get older fewer :) and high end shops gets few
> and far between .

Which says that golden ears who are boomers are going to go away.

> But on the other hand internet :/ yeah you can live in your filterbubble
> and buy stuff online .


> The cult may live on for a long time .

My projection is: indefinitely. 

> Some sites even enforce the filterbubble by banning the Scientific
> method , specifically DBT but you can't cherry pick science.
> By rejecting parts you actually rejects the whole deal ,sadly .

Exactly. The net of is that they are throttling science because it
causes contention and controversy.

Everybody who is surprised by that, should get a pointed cap and sit in
a corner! ;-)

> In my own filterbubble ive noticed fewer die hard audiophiles and people
> getting more reasonable ?
> Mostly my own hope yes .

I always hope for the best, and I was as optimistic as anybody back in
the days when we invented and promoted ABX which was to review,

> Finally the information age have given people like you and archimago a
> voice :) thats gives me most of my hope .

That is true - ragazines like Stereophile don't have the large and
favored  footprint in the marketplace for ideas that they once had.
However, they've been joined by so many who are touting the same
anti-science bilge. Let's face it, golden earism is a proven way to make
money and will remain strong even dominant as long as the placebo effect
is allowed to run loose.

> Before this its was exclusively up to the corrupt hifi mags to
> comunicate in these matters

However, the fundamental cause, which is that so called sighted
listening tests are obvious, prevalent and largely uncontested remains

Fact is that the criteria that most people instinctively use to evaluate
audio gear "proves" that the Golden ears are right. That has to be
overcome, or nothing will change.

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