On 07/11/2023 16.37, Bryan Bishop via bitcoin-dev wrote:

We would like to request community feedback and proposals on the future of the mailing list.
> [...]

Have you considered switching to Matrix? It's federated, much like e-mail. It's censorship resistant, in the sense that any participating homeserver keeps a copy of a room. And everyone can run their own homeserver in the Matrix network.

Rooms can be E2E encrypted. For an email list replacement this is probably not relevant, however any person-2-person communication would benefit from being encrypted.

Synapse is the currently best developed home server that implements the Matrix specification. It's much easier to run than an email server + mailing list combo.

Much like E-Mail and IRC, there is a huge ecosystem of Matrix clients to choose from.

I'm aware the UI of most Matrix clients is more suitable for a chat system than lengthy email discussions. However, thanks to "threads", there is no reason it could be used like that.

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