I wasn't going to chime in, but given some of the responses I feel led to
put in my two cents.

My plan is to sit the exam August 1st (already paid for) and get
CCIEVoice. I agree that it's a shame
Cisco is changing the name, but like many of you said, you still have the
number. I would also bet that most if not all of you have had some video
experience, so if you decide to try for the Collaboration cert and already
have a CCIE Voice, it *should* be fairly straight forward.

If you're in the same boat as I am, my advice is to keep on going. You've
already spent X amount of months studying (and time away from family), so
keep going, don't procrastinate and get it done!

I hope that reads more of a pep talk for my fellow candidates, rather than
a rant.

Oh, and I'm up for voicing an opinion to Cisco about this, but I would
doubt they would shift policy because of us - but who knows.


On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Martin Sloan <martinsloa...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I couldn't give you a +1 on the Cisco site so let me offer the +1 here.
> Well put, very concise and totally accurate.  I completely agree with you.
> I vote that you are 'The voice of The Voice'.
> Bitching may not work, but it makes me feel better :-D
> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 1:07 PM, William Bell <b...@ucguerrilla.com>wrote:
>> When you have a group of people that share an opinion, you need to
>> organize that group of people so that they can speak as "one voice". It is
>> called "Unified Communications" for a reason!
>> The key is to have this group opinion communicated across multiple
>> mediums in a consistent and persistent manner. Basically, you have to
>> market your message. Twitter, FB, and the Cisco Communities are good target
>> mediums if you want to get Cisco's attention. Finding out "who" is in
>> charge of the IE Voice/Collaboration program and getting their email is
>> another medium. Though, the recipient of said email bomb won't look on that
>> with favorable eyes and it may be counterproductive.
>> Bitching for the sake of bitching won't work. You also have to make sure
>> your argument is one that has a chance of appealing to the other party's
>> willingness or ability to make a compromise. For instance, bitching at
>> Cisco and saying they should rethink retiring the IE voice and grandfather
>> us in may not work. However, launching a campaign to convince them that
>> there should be an alternate path for the IE voice to upgrade their IE may
>> provide a more workable compromise.
>> Thus far I have spoken about organizing our complaints to get attention
>> and putting out a message that provides a reasonable and workable
>> compromise. Cisco has and will listen to that messaging. It has a chance if
>> you say it loud and often. The whole squeaky wheel thing.
>> If you had a way to show that this move costs Cisco money then you would
>> have an even more effective weapon. This is a little harder to
>> conceptualize and even harder to convince everyone to do what would need to
>> be done.
>> -Bil
>>  --
>> William Bell, CCIE #38914
>> blog: http://ucguerrilla.com
>> Follow me on twitter @ucguerrilla
>> On May 29, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Leslie Meade <leslie.me...@lvs1.com> wrote:
>> The question is... what if anything can we do ?
>> Where would we start..
>> -------- Original message --------
>> From: Mark Holloway <m...@markholloway.com>
>> Date:
>> To: Bill Lake <whl...@gmail.com>
>> Cc: OSL Group <ccie_voice@onlinestudylist.com>,Vik Malhi <
>> vma...@ipexpert.com>
>> Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CCIE Collaboration officially announced
>> Granted we all know that taking any CCIE Written will allow us to remain
>> CCIE's even if Voice is retired, but I think the frustration is Voice and
>> Collaboration are not THAT far apart and no matter how you look at it, it
>> all falls under Cisco Unified Communications, which is what the name of the
>> new CCIE really should be anyway.  The core of the Voice blueprint is still
>> there. The Collaboration equipment list looks like a refresh of current
>> products, not a forklift of one technology replacing another.
>> In my opinion this was too harsh of a move to retire Voice and start over
>> again with Collaboration.  There are too many similarities between the two.
>> On May 29, 2013, at 7:10 AM, Bill Lake <whl...@gmail.com<
>> mailto:whl...@gmail.com <whl...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>> Ranting about it won't change anything.  I read on line that when they
>> retire your CCIE, you can still renew by passing a CCIE level written or
>> lab.  If this is true then you do not loose your CCIE just the voice tag.
>> That seems to be a difficult pill to swallow but it would not be the
>> first from my reading.  Storage had this happen earlier this year as have
>> several others.  See here with the snippet.  Now the second is a wiki so we
>> would want official confirmation.
>> https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/docs/DOC-17226
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisco_Career_Certifications#Retired_CCIE_tracks
>> Retired CCIE tracks
>> Some previously awarded CCIE specializations have been retired by Cisco.
>> These are:
>>  *   WAN Switching CCIE (Essentially a specialisation focusing on the
>> IGX/BPX switch products, which had been acquired as part of the StrataCom<
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StrataCom> acquisition)
>>  *   ISP Dial CCIE
>>  *   SNA/IP Integration CCIE (aka CCIE Blue)
>>  *   Design CCIE (NOTE: The CCIE Design and CCDE are completely different
>> design tests in format and subjects examined)
>> People who hold these now-retired certifications can remain CCIEs,
>> provided they continue to take recertification exams. They now hold the
>> title "CCIE", rather than CCIE Security, or some other specialization.
>> So if we can get official confirmation that we won't be stripped of CCIE
>> if you pass the voice lab, it might be good, for those of us that have
>> already passed we don't get a chance to change our minds for those that
>> have yet to pass, this might be incentive to change your goal.
>> Bill
>> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 3:29 AM, m george <m.george00...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:m.george00...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Vik,
>> A 2nd grader can pass RS/Sec/SP much much easier than Voice IE. Voice is
>> still the toughest one & i know some double IE's who couldn't pass Voice.
>> If Cisco has lost faith in re-cert, that should apply to every track, not
>> just Voice.
>> Naturally, they should have renamed Certification to Voice/Collaboration
>> or Voice/Video etc & introduced new version. If they had to do this
>> retiring thing, why didn't they do when they introduced V3 from V2 ? Old
>> days of Call Manager based on Windows & literally everything based on
>> windows, Analog endpoints/VGs/ATAs etc. Retiring CCIE Voice makes no sense
>> whatsoever whether be it from marketing point of view or any other.  Why
>> can't big buck makers at Cisco just rename a Cert rather than do something
>> completely rubbish.
>> With just one announcement, they have made many people lose faith in
>> Certification process. I am sure Voice labs will be the most deserted labs
>> until Feb 2014.
>> At the end of day, we can only request Cisco to "re-consider" this
>> decision. I hope folks concerned "collaborate" &  put their suggestions
>> forward on Cisco Support Community & direct to Cisco Certification teams so
>> they "realize" what they are doing is NOT right.
>> I will take some months for us to digest this news.
>> Thanks
>> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Vik Malhi <vma...@ipexpert.com<mailto:
>> vma...@ipexpert.com>> wrote:
>> As I said before - I would think product marketing had something to say
>> about this. Just my opinion. Why for the last 4 years has there been a lack
>> of Microsoft products in the exam? Are Microsoft are not relevant or it
>> Marketing bullying the content team?
>> At the same time there are many folks out there with a voice IE who can't
>> spell SIP. So what do you do about those folks?
>> Historically Cisco have trusted their recertification process as a valid
>> check and balance.
>> It looks like they have lost a bit of faith in the written exams as a
>> valid means to recertification- and that is no surprise to any of us as we
>> all know a 2nd grader could pass one of those exams (and I don't condone
>> the means through which that is possible).
>> When the dust has settled I will be advising all existing voice IE's two
>> things: look at this as an extra challenge that will reap extra reward and
>> secondly - diversify. Collaboration expertise in the very literal sense
>> cannot be confined to a monolithic single vendor application time test that
>> is going to occur . I would have thought a true collaboration expert would
>> (if not now, never) be encouraged to seek skills and experience from a
>> wider spectrum of vendors.
>> Rant over.
>> On May 28, 2013, at 20:14, Hesham Abdelkereem <heshamcentr...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:heshamcentr...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Yes its really frustrating what Cisco is doing to us.
>> Ok let me tell you this.
>> People now have invested a lot of money in pursuing their CCIE Voice that
>> includes (Verious Workbook fees , Rack Rentals , Home Lab building , travel
>> expenses and Lab fees attempts for whatever times)
>> So when people achieve CCIE Voice nowadays a year or two later it would
>> be considered old and grandfathered.
>> Also , Cisco has released a new lab for 2 months while they are planning
>> to abolish the whole syllabus.
>> Why they do that to us???? They already make money out of everything
>> especially lab multiple times of lab attempts per each person.
>> CCIE Voice achievers has to send cisco request for Migration without Lab
>> test.
>> CCVP it was automatically migrated to CCNP Voice without any additional
>> tests.
>> CCNA is migrated to CCNA R/S without any additional tests.
>> In case of Video part then I suggest whether they force CCIE Voice people
>> to make CCNA VIDEO or CCNP Video if they will release or they make just a
>> migration lab track that includes VIDEO stuff only for a cheaper fee
>> something like $500.
>> Thats same for MICROSOFT they abolished MCSE to change it to MCITP people
>> usually just add 2 tracks to become full MCITP same when they migrate to
>> new MCSE (Microsoft Certified Solutions Experts) there is only an upgrade
>> track rather than taking the whole 5 tracks again.
>> Cisco obviously has to do something like that.It's really unfair retiring
>> the whole cisco voice totally.
>> Guys to make the new Collaboration lab that would cost anyone over 50K to
>> buy telepresence , X9XX routers stuff , 9971 Video Phones , TV's and etc..
>> Even the rack rentals would be 5 times the old voice track as the
>> equipment would be way more expensive.
>> Seriously , We have to agree all of us from multiple different voice
>> study group to have a migration track to Collaboration please share your
>> thoughts guys
>> [X]
>> On 28 May 2013 18:56, Mark Holloway <m...@markholloway.com<mailto:
>> m...@markholloway.com>> wrote:
>> Bummer, I was really hoping CCIE Voice candidates would transition to
>> Collaboration without any additional lab exams.
>> On May 28, 2013, at 7:08 PM, Vik Malhi <vma...@ipexpert.com<mailto:
>> vma...@ipexpert.com>> wrote:
>> For my initial reaction read here:
>> http://bit.ly/12MNK5t
>> Vik Malhi – CCIE #13890
>> Managing Partner - IPexpert, Inc.
>> Telephone: +1.810.326.1444 ext 420<tel:%2B1.810.326.1444%20ext%20420>
>> Fax: +1.810.454.0130<tel:%2B1.810.454.0130>
>> Mailto: vma...@ipexpert.com<mailto:vma...@ipexpert.com>
>> _______________________________________________
>> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
>> visit www.ipexpert.com<http://www.ipexpert.com/>
>> Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
>> www.PlatinumPlacement.com<http://www.platinumplacement.com/>
>> _______________________________________________
>> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
>> visit www.ipexpert.com<http://www.ipexpert.com/>
>> Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
>> www.PlatinumPlacement.com<http://www.platinumplacement.com/>
>> _______________________________________________
>> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
>> visit www.ipexpert.com<http://www.ipexpert.com/>
>> Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
>> www.PlatinumPlacement.com<http://www.platinumplacement.com/>
>> _______________________________________________
>> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
>> visit www.ipexpert.com<http://www.ipexpert.com/>
>> Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
>> www.PlatinumPlacement.com<http://www.platinumplacement.com/>
>> _______________________________________________
>> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
>> visit www.ipexpert.com<http://www.ipexpert.com>
>> Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
>> www.PlatinumPlacement.com<http://www.PlatinumPlacement.com>
>> _______________________________________________
>> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
>> visit www.ipexpert.com
>> Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
>> www.PlatinumPlacement.com
>> _______________________________________________
>> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
>> visit www.ipexpert.com
>> Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
>> www.PlatinumPlacement.com
> _______________________________________________
> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
> visit www.ipexpert.com
> Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
> www.PlatinumPlacement.com
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