Think of an auction. It's multiple people bidding for a single item. Each
person it bidding against a single person, the one with the highest bid. Now
think about an auction for multiple items. Each item can be bid on
individually OR as a single "lot". The fight is now between you and one
other person for the single item and you (and all other bidders on single
items) against whoever bid on the entire lot. A lot of 3 items with each
person bidding a dollar on an item will go to the person bidding 4 dollars
on the lot. If you bid another dollar you still don't win as you have not
beaten the lot bid. If you and someone else both bid a dollar on 2 different
items in the lot, then the individuals with with a total of 5 dollars
individually vs. 4 dollars for the lot. Now take this to the next level
where a lot can be a single item in a larger, higher level lot. Lot 1 holds
3 series of books. Lot 1a holds 5 Dresdin books, lot 1b holds 3 harry potter
books, and lot 1c holds 10 misc books. Who wins? And what of more levels and
different sized lots? And what if there is a percentage differential between
a lot vs. the items (bidding on the lot 'wins' with 5% less than the
individual items). And on and on and on. All according to specific business
rules. All according to a mathematical formula that has to be created and
then coded for. Took me 3 months to codify the formula and a week or so to
implement it. In CF MX 6.0. And with writing components that I would be
embarrassed to show today. But still in about 150 lines of code. That's the
math I'm paid for. The math of someones ideas that need to be brought into
existence as an equation. An equation that can then be applied to code (or
something else).
One day I'm actually going to go back to school and get a firmer grounding
in math. I have tremendous natural skill with logically breaking a problem
down into its core components but natural skill pales in comparison to

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 12:32 PM, G Money <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Michael Dinowitz <
> > I've done math for pay (multi-tier auction logic)
> That intrigues me....what is "multi-tier auction logic" ??
> I ended up with a second major in math mostly because it interested me,
> and
> I knew that it would be a skill that could help me with whatever I ended
> up
> doing....but I never really thought of "math" as a way to make money, in
> and
> of itself.
> --
> I'm young, I'm wild, and I'm free
> Got the magic power of the music in me

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