Did you have to derive any of the equations yourself.......?

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 11:54 AM, Michael Dinowitz <

> Think of an auction. It's multiple people bidding for a single item. Each
> person it bidding against a single person, the one with the highest bid.
> Now
> think about an auction for multiple items. Each item can be bid on
> individually OR as a single "lot". The fight is now between you and one
> other person for the single item and you (and all other bidders on single
> items) against whoever bid on the entire lot. A lot of 3 items with each
> person bidding a dollar on an item will go to the person bidding 4 dollars
> on the lot. If you bid another dollar you still don't win as you have not
> beaten the lot bid. If you and someone else both bid a dollar on 2
> different
> items in the lot, then the individuals with with a total of 5 dollars
> individually vs. 4 dollars for the lot. Now take this to the next level
> where a lot can be a single item in a larger, higher level lot. Lot 1
> holds
> 3 series of books. Lot 1a holds 5 Dresdin books, lot 1b holds 3 harry
> potter
> books, and lot 1c holds 10 misc books. Who wins? And what of more levels
> and
> different sized lots? And what if there is a percentage differential
> between
> a lot vs. the items (bidding on the lot 'wins' with 5% less than the
> individual items). And on and on and on. All according to specific
> business
> rules. All according to a mathematical formula that has to be created and
> then coded for. Took me 3 months to codify the formula and a week or so to
> implement it. In CF MX 6.0. And with writing components that I would be
> embarrassed to show today. But still in about 150 lines of code. That's
> the
> math I'm paid for. The math of someones ideas that need to be brought into
> existence as an equation. An equation that can then be applied to code (or
> something else).
> One day I'm actually going to go back to school and get a firmer grounding
> in math. I have tremendous natural skill with logically breaking a problem
> down into its core components but natural skill pales in comparison to
> training.
> On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 12:32 PM, G Money <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Michael Dinowitz <
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I've done math for pay (multi-tier auction logic)
> >
> >
> > That intrigues me....what is "multi-tier auction logic" ??
> >
> > I ended up with a second major in math mostly because it interested me,
> > and
> > I knew that it would be a skill that could help me with whatever I ended
> > up
> > doing....but I never really thought of "math" as a way to make money, in
> > and
> > of itself.
> >
> > --
> > I'm young, I'm wild, and I'm free
> > Got the magic power of the music in me
> >
> >
> >

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