pretty sure there will be an insanity defense. And I think I saw that he
saw friend get his leg blown off the day before. But still. The answer to
that, I think is that a lot of soldiers live through horrifying situations,
and don't go out and shoot children afterwards. The guy who shot two cops
and a few more random people in Albuqueruque about three years ago was
certifiably bat-shit crazy, and his doctor changed his meds. Him I feel for
a little bit, because he *did* go to the ER and say please help me, and
didn't get it. (And as I recall, he's in a mental health hospital now, not
jail. But he's locked up, and probably won't ever get out.)

If he was crazy enough to shoot children why was he on active duty?

If he was crazy enough and distressed enough to do this then why didn't he
seek help? As far as I know even in Kandahar there's a way to say you know
what, I'm losing it. I scare myself. Take my gun away. If he's just an
asshole, throw the book at him. This is one of the most egregious crimes
I've ever heard of, a) because it was a massacre of the helpless and b)
because of the harm it does to the war effort. It wiped out the gains made
because of the sacrifices of many, many other soldiers.

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Tony <> wrote:

> am I insane to think that this kinda thing is not surprising at all, that
> we have driven out boys to madness (some of them) and that although he
> pulled the trigger, it's our lust for war and oil that is the cause of
> this, and the more we re-deploy and re-deploy more and more of this will
> continue. I mean, the dude was TRAINED to kill, has seen the unimaginable,
> has more flashbacks than we can conceive and we drove him to this. just
> look at they murdered wives and others when dudes come home from the
> frontlines. it's gotta be hard to separate all of this mentally and expect
> to come back with any sort of normalcy intact.
> idk I feel for him, and his family
> On Thursday, March 22, 2012, Casey Dougall - Uber Website Solutions <
>> wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 6:52 PM, Vivec <> wrote:
> >
> >> He's going to face 17 counts of murder.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > In other kinda off topic but interesting tangent news; at least a police
> > Chief has stepped down.
> >
> >
> >
> >

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