A common vein of reasoning is to excuse heinous behaviour by looking for
other behaviour along the same lines.

>>You'd swear similar riots, beatings, and heinous mob acts of violence
>>have never occurred in the history of the United States.

The key word is history there. Sure, two hundred years ago, a hundred years
ago even, the world was a much different place. the value of human life in
the eyes of society at large was alot less. I agree with you that the
ruthless slaughter of the native americans was horrific and unjustified.
That doesnt change the horribility(sp? -- even a word?) of what went on
03/31/2004 in Fallujah.

>> Pick up a US history book. It is doubly different to attempt to
>> understand another society, if you don't even know where your own came
>> from.

While not a scholar, I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on my country's
history, but then again I am always willing to learn, which is why I asked
the question "Does anyone have any information where mobs of americans have
done this
to anyone, ever"

In the mean time, I'll keep my eyes peeled for the next news reports of a
terrorist attack here, or someplace else and we'll see WHO dances in the
street, and WHO doesnt.

Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say 'ni' at will to
old ladies.There is a pestilence upon this land. Nothing is sacred. Even
those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic
stress at this period in history.

Roger the Shrubber....
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