> I like Flash, dont get me wrong, but if all you are doing it 
> linking to a DB
> for a static form or grid etc, then you may as well use HTML 
> and no I am not
> anti Flash Remoting - far from it, I just dont see the 
> business benefit
> (development time = cost) of using say Flash for things which could be
> developed in normal HTML.

Ah, well, when I said 'simple' forms, I did mean something a bit more
than static forms.

> What I am driving at is this : there is no real 'Spectrum of 
> Participants'
> (sorry Ray) of how to get a movie up and running.  It is a complex
> combination of designers/aniimators and developers to get 
> things working in
> any decent shape or form....has this been defined?  I have 
> seen some docs,
> but I have not read 100% into them as of yet so I am open for 
> more pointers.

This is a good question. My opinion (and let me stress, it's MY opinion,
not official MACR policy) that there is some things that the art freak
could do in CFML. For example - simple CFCs. This is because CFML is so
dang easy. The art freak doesn't need to be a code guru to do some very
nice things in CFML that will help extend their Flash apps. I think the
reverse applies. I don't think I'll ever be a Flash guru - but there are
things that I can learn that will be very useful to my web application
development. Certainly I'd hire the art freak to take my flash form and
make it prettier - if I needed it. Ditto on the reverse side. If the art
freak had issues doing complex SQL, they would let the DBA or CFML coder
take over. 

I guess I'm saying I think the course will make me more useful as a
developer. In ways, it's almost like having a _very_ extendible form of
HTML at my finger tips. Once I got past the ... I don't know, not wierd,
but just different feel of the Flash editor, it all came down to simple
rules and action script - and any CFML person can learn AS.

Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Hire

Yahoo IM : morpheus

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda 

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