I wrote some of what you've described for an internal application (a
prototype) for a company that I used to work for, my current company also
has a custom built tool for migration management.

I don't think it is unheard of at all.

I couldn't really recommend a commercial/open source solution for this
though, as I haven't had experience with any of them lately.

- Calvin

On 6/9/05 11:04 AM, "Jeff Waris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been following this thread a bit and was wondering if anyone was in the
> same boat as I am.
> Right now we run VSS as version control of various CFM's in our test
> environment. (VSS isn't necessarily our future as it was here before I was
> and it really isn't suited for what we need for the future)
> I have an added dilemma to this. I have two separate production environments
> that I have to keep synced with changes. This can become daunting sometimes
> figuring out what changes have deployed to what production environment.
> Technically they should be synced, but that isn't always the case. It would
> be nice to be able to see what's been deployed where at any given time.
> I have more twists in this pretzel but that's the largest...
> -I run sql server here and it would be nice to also be able to keep track of
> the changes and deployment status of SQL
> -A ticketing system that can handle requests from our users and a ticketing
> system that can handle internal tickets for our internal fixes and upgrades.
> -A web based interface for the ticketing systems that allows our users to
> see only their tickets and their statuses.
> Does something like this even exist??? I am sure I am not the only one in
> the universe that needs to keep track of deployment as well as version
> control of the actual programs...
> Anyone have any recommendations??
> Jeff 

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