On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 6:12 AM, Jochem van Dieten

> Adam Haskell wrote:
> >>> On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 3:31 AM, Jochem van Dieten wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> ColdFusion is compiled to Java. Hand the code to the company in an EAR
> >>>> or WAR and they won't ever know you used ColdFusion.
> > Yes and no. I really am curious if you folks would deal with you giving
> them
> > a "JEE app"* that they do not have resources to maintain.
> Most companies that buy something elsewhere have no interest in
> maintaining it themselves.
This is a different world than I live in, not saying it doesn't exist just
new to me.

> > It has it's positive and negatives, we actually prefer to just deploy
> > individual code into a WAR but that has more to do with Websphere sucking
> > than anything :)
> Would you still prefer that if hosting was outsourced somewhere and all
> you were allowed to do was hand them the app and instructions?

This is how we do it right now, we just have our own deployment procedure
for a zip file. Everything is self contained, thanks to mappings in cf8.
Understand that some of our stuff is just deployed as a war but others are
not. As an example we have a war for each division of the company some of
these contain 900+ individual applications pulling that all out of source
control and [re]publishing the war each time  1 of 900 projects is changed
is a big pain, conversely thanks to WebSphere we could never deploy even a
handful of apps as independent wars thanks to the memory that would be
required (we have 17 divisions the smallest division has ~300 applications).
Which is where the positive and negatives comment comes from :)

> > Agreed but like I said earlier selling something as JEE app has some
> general
> > implications I think.
> Only if the contract specifies they get the source.

Yep understood, we are sort of source mongers here so speaking that's come
to be expected for me.


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