At 10:17 PM 6/23/2003 -0700, Jack Nalbandian wrote:
>That is anecdotal nonsense.  Any major corporation in need of real techs and
>that has a Cisco infrastructure will certainly consider CCIEs very
>seriously, yes even above so-called "CS" degree holders without much
>experience, for technical lead positions.  I can bring examples that are not
>merely "anecdotal."

I would be interested. Seriously.



>-----Original Message-----
>Zsombor Papp
>Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 8:52 PM
>Subject: RE: how about ccie salary in US? [7:71143]
>Based on anecdotal evidence I've seen on this list before, I can give you
>an excellent ball-park figure: zero. You won't get a job if you are "just"
>a CCIE. See also NRF's post below.
>My hard-earned $0.02. :)
>At 02:25 AM 6/24/2003 +0000, Mark W. Odette II wrote:
> >That being said... I think the OP would just like a general answer.
> >
> >Ball-park figures aren't lies, as so long as they are indicated as
> >ball-park figures.
> >
> >It's not a lie if you just simply state/indicate what the average figure
> >is that you've seen in your area.
> >
> >So, if someone can contribute such an answer, let them do so.  I'm sure
> >the OP was just trying to get a general idea- Scholar or not.
> >
> >Geeesh... sometimes it amazes me how simple answers are so hard to come
> >by on this list.
> >
> >No offense intended NRF.
> >
> >As for myself, I don't know what the going salary/consulting rate is in
> >the D/FW area of Texas for a CCIE... So I can't comment on such.
> >
> >-Mark
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: n rf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 7:39 PM
> >Subject: Re: how about ccie salary in US? [7:71143]
> >
> >- jvd wrote:
> > >
> > > I wonder if anybody is going to have anything positive to say
> > > about this post?
> >
> >So basically, you want us to lie, eh?  ;->.
> >
> >Seriously, CCIE salaries have been down for awhile and any honest
> >discussion
> >about salaries is going to be necessarily negative.  When something's
> >black,
> >it would be a lie to call it white.
> >
> >As far as the original question, so much depends on your experience
> >level,
> >the geographical location, things like holding a degree (or not).
> >Strong
> >candidates that have lots of experience, are well educated, and are in
> >places can still pull nice salaries.  But I'm also aware of CCIE's
> >applying
> >for positions that pay less than 30k - and not getting them.  The point
> >is
> >that the CCIE by itself guarantees nothing.

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