On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 03:28:48AM -0400, Py Fivestones wrote:
> Odd, I thought people used IRC because they didn't want to have to play 
> with web pages loading and refreshing. The server list is now a web page, 
> MOTD's now web pages, why not just toss the IRCd and force everyone onto 
> web based chat?
> Does anyone remember when Undernet was a real IRC net independent of the 
> world wide web? I see a trend, and it's initials are MS and AOL!

IRC is a chat network, not a content delivery system.
the web is a content delivery system, not a chat network.
email is a message store and forward system, not a chat network, or a content
delivery system.

Hence why we use IRC for chat, the web for storing content, and emailing to 
leave people messages.  We have phones, books and the postal service.  If you
just want to send someone a note, you don't write a book.  If you want to 
have information provided to anyone who's interested, you don't post everyone
that might be interested a letter.

Best tool for the job.  IRC is overloaded and bloated as it is.  Cutting out
some of the unnecessary features is a *good thing*.  Not that I agree that
the hiding of the network topology is a good idea, and quite frankly if I hear
that flame war one more time I'm probably going to have to be restrained against
my will or I'll hurt someone.  If you don't like the changes, tell the admins
of various servers.  /admin shows them to you, or, you can use 
http://www.undernet.org/servers.php.  Telling me that you don't like the idea
isn't going to help, it's not going to change anything.  It's a free service,
and we are loosing servers over issues such as this.  If you don't like it
you're welcome to use anyone elses service.

Talk about technical details about these changes is on topic, random ranting
about how they aren't going to help, how we're loosing criticial features, and
other mindless drivel is not welcome, and I will start adding people to my
killfile for.  I'm sick of it.

On a vaguely related, and more on topic note, I've fixed this (and a few 
other) bugs in 2.10.10.pl16.  Now I'm off to figure out how to get res.c 
to compile again.

QOTD: "I only touch base with reality on an as-needed basis!"

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