On 11/30/05, Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm also seeing a trend that is a tad disappointing. The last three
> successive release votes each needed to make pleas for a better
> response from the developer community. We've witnessed this for, in
> chronological order:
>  * VFS [1]
>  * Validator [2]
>  * Configuration [3]

Viewing it slightly more abstractedly:

1) We have areas of inactivity.
2) We don't notice those areas.
3) We are thusly unable to encourage increased activity.

> I'm afraid it might be easy to misunderstand or ridicule this email,
> point to the some Apache voting FAQ, and move on. This is not a
> statement about individuals -- rather the community -- indeed,
> personally, I've done nothing to help in the above cases, including
> even choosing not to cast non-binding opinions when the votes came up.
> I'll be glad if I'm told I've misunderstood the current state of
> affairs, maybe RMs are just anxious by nature (comes with the
> territory), this is all *expected* to happen, and I'm the only one who
> sees things in a different light. I'll be happier still if this were
> an abberation rather than the norm.

You're spot on. Even going inactive and trying to get active again,
it's hard for me to pick up what's different in the release management

Documentation is one thing, so that if someone is able to find it they
can follow it along, but we also need to work together on automation.
It shouldn't be this hard etc :)


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