> I must be missing something, but a Java version = multiple platforms 
> supported, unless you are referring to multiple platforms being 
> multiple languages.

Brad, et al
I apologize for not having made myself clear enough. By multiple platforms I did not 
mean different operating systems. I meant to refer to different execution environments 

> ... but considering the fact that HttpClient is an 
> implementation that is the conglomeration of several RFC's, I'd say 
> those additional RFC's (besides just the straight HTTP RFC) might 
> constitute sub-projects.  A redesign of the architecture might make 
> things look more pluggable in the future.

Of course, one may see Slide (WebDAV spec implementation) as a subproject of 
HttpClient. I bet, though, that Slide folks would beg to differ. To them HttpClient is 
just a utility layer. My point here, at the moment we lack (1) clear vision of how we 
would like to see HttpClient develop beyond its original purpose, (2) wider community 
of users (3) flexible architecture to foster such wider community of users. 

IMO, we win nothing by becoming a TLP. Instead we might end up with additional 
managerial overhead to bear. With our current scarce resources it may cause more harm 
than good. Let us roll up the sleeves and get down to business to make HttpClient 4.0 
something worthy of Apache TLP. And one day we may find ourselves at the level where 
the promotion to TLP would be a matter of website redeployment.



-----Original Message-----
From: Brad O'Hearne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 03:12
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: Promote HttpClient out of commons?

Hey all,

I'm new to the HttpClient mailing list, but here's a couple of newbie 

> * Please correct me if I am wrong, but I always thought that TLPs were
> supposed to support multiple platforms, hence their top level status.
> Whereas I can certainly imagine HttpClient implemented in straight C or
> C++ (or any other language), I just do not think we'll have enough
> resources to actively develop anything but a Java version in the
> foreseeable future

I must be missing something, but a Java version = multiple platforms 
supported, unless you are referring to multiple platforms being 
multiple languages.

> * I can hardly think of any subproject within HttpClient project.
> Ability to host sub-project within a project is one of the primary
> criteria for promoting a project to the top level. I do not think we
> qualify

I wouldn't be so hasty here.  I think from a certain point of view, 
there are several sub-projects within HttpClient already.  If you view 
HttpClient as one monolithic app (which it may well be now) then you 
have a point, but considering the fact that HttpClient is an 
implementation that is the conglomeration of several RFC's, I'd say 
those additional RFC's (besides just the straight HTTP RFC) might 
constitute sub-projects.  A redesign of the architecture might make 
things look more pluggable in the future.

> * As useful and feature rich HttpClient has become, let's face it, it's
> not exactly a masterpiece of design elegancy. Being a TLP would make
> HttpClient de facto Apache's official HTTP client. Frankly, I do not
> think HttpClient in its present form deserves it. There's still lots to
> be done before it possibly could.

Masterpiece is a function of good design and maturation.  I wouldn't 
worry too much about this -- there are many OSS projects (and 
proprietary ones) that rank low on the design elegancy scale.

I guess as a newbie, my biggest question is, what are the disadvantages 
of promotion?  As someone that recently had to complete an HTTP 
dependent project, I was very surprised at the woefully sparse number 
of helpful HTTP resources for the Java platform.  Plenty of Google 
hits, few real meaty resources though.


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