That's ok, it's even worse for those who get into it with blinded mac
zealots who have trouble denying realities.

I would have posted the results of all the machines but at the time there
were none, I would have been just as happy to post that the vista or linux
box got taken in 30 seconds.  Although given a choice I'd have gone at the
mac first too...i mean who would want anything but a free macbook air and
ten grand?

Google more today, still can't find out about vista and linux boxes...can't
imagine they weren't picked clean though.


On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 6:46 AM, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Incorrect...or misleading at least.  They didn't 'follow a script' at
> least
> >not if you want to be clear to the peanut gallery...
> I do not want to get into another pissing contest with dyslexic Windows
> fan boys. This is the link you provided...
> >> >
> Everyone can read the story and see for themselves that my summary was
> accurate.
> I'm sure more details will be published in the next few days and
> programmers will then discuss the significance or lack thereof.
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