<I'll calm down when people can post information without using the words
"blind Mac zealots." (Thus the reason I chose to begin addressing anti-mac

If I make intercede here just a bit: the phrase you mentioned, "blind Mac
zealots" referred to the people, not the machine. Specifically, it referred
to those who won't hear or admit that Mac is anything but perfect.
(Coincidentally, someone recently posted a link to an article mentioning the
same thing--and it was dismissed as "silly" and of no importance by the head
Mac person here.)

In any event, there wasn't any "anti-Mac zealotry". I don't know of anyone
here who is anti-Mac; I know only of people here who are anti-Windows. If
our chief Mac evangelist can consistently refer to Windows users with the
insulting phrase "Windows fanboys", then I don't know what's wrong with
saying "Mac zealots" (although it was not my phrase).

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