On Mar 29, 2008, at 7:24 AM, Chris Dunford wrote:

In any event, there wasn't any "anti-Mac zealotry". I don't know of anyone
here who is anti-Mac; I know only of people here who are anti-Windows.

I also do not know of anyone here who is innately "anti-Mac." There are those here who are "anti-Windows" and would never use such a machine unless they had to. That cadre includes myself.

Where I work there are also folks who are "anti-Windows." The oddity is that they use Windows machines at work and own them at home. While they claim to despise the troubles they often have to work through, they also say that they cannot abandon their Windows computers because, A) Windows is required at work, and B) They have too much money invested in their Windows computers and associated software at home.


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