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Chris Dunford sez:

>If I make intercede here just a bit: the phrase you mentioned, "blind Mac
>zealots" referred to the people, not the machine.

That is precisely my point. It does no good to call people zealots for
liking the particular computer they use. Why use something they hate,
anyway? I would rather we not refer to people as zealots, morons,
idiots, or any number of other derogatory terms. Just provide the
information without the misanthropic commentary.

>In any event, there wasn't any "anti-Mac zealotry". I don't know of anyone
>here who is anti-Mac; I know only of people here who are anti-Windows.

You must not have been around here very long.

> If
>our chief Mac evangelist can consistently refer to Windows users with the
>insulting phrase "Windows fanboys", then I don't know what's wrong with
>saying "Mac zealots" (although it was not my phrase).

Because two wrongs don't make a right. Because I don't necessarily agree
with calling Windows users names, either, and think it is non-productive.

But, hey, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. I've seen the My Computer
Is Better Than Yours wars going on since the days of Atari and Commodore
and before. Why should I expect there not to be enough hatemongers to
annoy the rest of us and make an otherwise decent forum/website/mail
list experience end up being dreaded.

And, by the way, choosing not to use a computer system might make one
anti-whatever, but what turns one into an anti-whatever-zealot is the
need to couch everything one mentions in negative terms, gotchas, etc. I
don't care if you prefer Windows, Macs, Linux, or the old TI99-4A. But
if you can't say "Such and such computer today had a security issue"
without adding "stupid such-and-such blind moron idiots" then I'd rather
you go somewhere else and pollute some less informative part of the internet.

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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