You people and your anti-mac zealotry. The fact the MacBook Air was
"hacked" first is only because people at the event didn't bother hacking
the other systems. Other articles quote attendees saying so. They wanted
to get the Mac because that's where the cred and kudos lie. Any script
kiddy can jack up a Windows box. Linux is tougher, as well as the Mac.
In fact, they had to relax the rules of the contest after no one got
into any of the systems via network. Once he could direct organizers to
a website, Miller put into place things he had been working on for a
month or more -- things he could have told Apple about long ago but he
doesn't care about security. He wants hacker fame and free money and
equipment. Even if he believed Apple never plugs security holes, he
could have told them and still done this since lazy ol' Apple wouldn't
have plugged it; but he didn't, because he wanted his name in the news
and a free computer.

These people are schmucks. If they really cared about us peons out here,
they would hand over their research to Apple, MicroSoft and the rest
rather than sitting back and laughing at us on the way to their banks.

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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