I was intrigued with several earlier posts here, first about free movie downloads in public domain and then about bittorrent. So I decided to investigate.

I found a web site that said that the web browser Opera supported bittorrent, so I went to a web site that had free downloads with bittorrent and tried to download one of them using Opera. Downloading started after a message from Opera that bittorrent required permitting uploading the same file once it was downloaded, then asked for permission, and asked for limits to upload & download speed -- I selected no limit. Didn't matter to me what the content of the bittorrent file was, just trying to see how it worked. The download began of a 105 MB bittorrent file with an expected download time of 7 hours. The estimate has changed, after about 15 minutes, to 3 hours.

I am connected with Cox cable to the internet. Questions: Does Opera actually support bittorrent? If so, why such a long time to download? A 105 MB file would download in very much less time without bittorent.

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