As Jordan and Steve described, I also join all the tracks before importing an 
audiobook CD, then make a playlist of all the CD's in the correct order. But I 
sometimes had a problem with regaining my place after stopping playback on my 
iPod. Somewhere on the web was a post explaining how to change the file 
extension of the audio files from .m4a to .m4b, in order to make the file 
completely bookmarkable, so this is the practise I now follow. Now the only 
time the iPod loses its place is after it has been connected to a computer 
(usually I recharge it from a wall socket), or if I connect the FM tuner. This 
may be different on a Mac, but when you change the file name a new file is 
created and you have to show iTunes where to find it. Kind of a PITA but 
preferable to have to fiddle with the iPod right when you are ready to drive 
somewhere, work out at the gym, etc. If anybody knows how to join all the 
individual CD files into a single monster file of the whole book, I would love !
 to know how to do that, since this is the way downloaded audiobooks are 
delivered and playback is almost completely trouble free.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Computer Guys Discussion List [mailto:COMPUTERGUYS-
>] On Behalf Of b_s-wilk
> Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 11:02 AM
> Subject: Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem
> > I have loaded books on CDs into iTunes. Many of them have dozens or
> > even a hundred tracks on each CD, and a book might be 10 or 15 CDs
> > long. These audio files typically have a name like Track 1, Track 2,
> > and so on, there are no differentiating titles, up to 25 or 99. So
> > when I first loaded up a book I'd have 15 tracks called track 1, and
> > 15 called track 2 and so on, and I quickly discovered that iTunes
> > could get confused about the order of these apparently identical
> > files.
> With audio books I generally have no problem listening to them in
> iTunes. On an iPod it's another story. I was listening to a collection
> by Neil Gaiman, with 70+ chapters. On my iPod they were out of order,
> but not in iTunes. I took the book and merged all of the chapters,
> adding chapter markers. It was easy, but, sorry, I don't remember which
> program I used, maybe QT pro, Garage Band, or Audacity. It played
> correctly on the iPod that way, and I could select chapters. It's
> possible, no, likely, that since I didn't RTFM for the iPod Touch, I
> might have set it on Shuffle by mistake.
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