Quoting mike <xha...@gmail.com>:

Is date/time for modification/creation system information or metadata? I
thought this info was held within the system, not in the metadata.  Would
this info be kept intact across os x or windows or linux?  It could be, but
never have I ever heard of the creation date/mod dates being referred to as

Dunno. I'm no expert that's for sure. I just assumed that the time stamps that shows up in "Get Info" was put into the MD by iTunes (actually, iTunes doesn't show the date added in Get Info, that I can see), and would be what it was looking for in the list headings.

I don't know if it means anything, but I just changed the name of a tune in Win Explorer to see if it changed the modified stamp. It didn't. Changed it in iTunes, and it did change the modified stamp in both iTunes and WinExp.

If Jordan Gets Info on a track, does it show the Date Modified:?

All this may be a moo point* since it sounds like maybe he's finding other alternatives.


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